
Monday, September 24, 2012

Flowers in my MESSY House

I'm most definitely not the formal flower arrangement kind....rounded bouquets with evenly dispersed springs of baby's breath between a still arrangement is not my cup of tea. I much prefer a single type of bloom in a container rather than a vase and a loose, untidy arrangement that goes well with my loose, untidy house. 

Gladiolas remind me of the Mennonite ladies who set up little stands outside their rural Ontario farms farms in August and September, with bundles of glads tied up with twine and sitting in a plastic bucket of water with a little box to collect the money on the Honor System. These I found at the supermarket, although they are locally grown according to the sign. $3.99 a bunch. I bought 2, so quite a deal for $7.98.

Not having a tall enough vase, I opted for my poor man's tin champagne bucket, and posed them for their photo shoot. Once I looked at my shots, I realized how untidy my kitchen table was. A bag of cat food, a fabric sample for a client, a tin of dog biscuits and a host of other Bits that clearly needed putting away before I could safely photograph these beauties and enter them in Jane's Flowers in the House party today. For much tidier houses and arrangements pop on over to visit Jane over at Small But Charming.

Oh...I couldn't resist snapping one of Frenchie as he observed the shenanigans ........


  1. Ohhh, Frenchie looks about a thrilled as the Lab does when I get out the camera and flowers and start balancing on the rim of the bathtub.

    I too love the locally grown bunches of glads. ours come from the Amish in Pennsylvania.

    Thanks for inviting us into your lved in house.

    xo Jane

  2. Nice blooms but Frenchie steals the show!


  3. Glads remind me of my mama who grew them all the time when I was growing up. My mama was something serious but she was quite the gardener. My house in topsy turvy most of the time but we live and enjoy it. You do too and it shows. Olive

  4. Pretty glads, so bright and cheery. Should have taken a photo of our dog looking on bored as I played with our flowers. Frenchie meet Callie.

  5. Glads remind me of my grandmother. She lived due South of you on the other side of Lake Ontario. There were always two fulls rows of them in the garden and they ran parallel to the road. We were always greeted by them first as we approached her house. And the house would be full of arrangments just like yours. Simple. Casual. Perfect.

    Thank you for that memory!

  6. How is Balto ?
    I love love love gladiolus ! I wonder if I can get them to grow up there in the location of our new home, whenever we get out of this old home :)

  7. So pretty! I'm not a formal kind of gal either. My grandmother had glads in your garden - love them!

  8. I think your house is lovely and I love flowers just as you arrange them too. Love the gorgeous brown eyes on the bottom photo.

  9. The gladdies look gorgeous - and I love the 'real' styling! Like you Chania, I'm a whiz at the plonk and display type of arrangement too. As soon as I try too hard it just looks too try-hard! xx

  10. Oooh glads, love them, and that's such a pretty yellow. The bucket reminds me of how flower shops in Paris display their flowers on the sidewalks, perfect vessel. What can I say about Frenchie, yummy!

  11. Oh, I love those liquid eyes. What a sweetheart! Now, about those pretty. You know I think I agree with you about the one-type flower arrangement. More of a statement and of course, for flower-arranging-impaired me, easier. Now I'm in the mood for some flowers.... And you are not messy! Ann

    1. chania
      when I first bought my first house in 1989 I always said to myself that I would ALWAYS have flowers in it.... and do you know what I always have...... ever since

  12. I am so with you on this - can't abide the tortured look in a vase! flowers need to sprawl and lean - as they do in life! I love the look - complete with cat food - it's a much loved house full of much loved pets! Have a lovely day F

  13. Glads look so great on their own and I have to say, yellow and white together is a winner

  14. Ha ! my mother-in-law was one of those Mennonite ladies, but she took hers to the Kitchener Market years ago when it really had been a Farmer's Market. My father used to buy my Mother 1 dozen red Glads every year for her Birthday ... it was tradition. Us children continued to do so for many years after he had passed..... I forgot to plant my bulbs this Year.

  15. I like the same type of arraingements you do. Your dog is so sweet.

  16. The way you write has always amused me! You always make me smile. :)
    I prefer unkept and messy arrangments too. The more natural, the more beautiful.

    Hope you are well....btw, I cracked up when I read your cow sweater post. could you believe it when you saw it?! :)

  17. Not a mess to me, warm and comfy. Like Balto. . !

  18. I love glads and Frenchie. He is so cute! x

  19. Loving the glads and loving the hound. He is gorgeous. Sinead x

  20. A snapshot in time! The vase and table looks like you freshly brought them in from the garden and plopped them in a bucket -before arranging.

  21. I have always loved flowers in the house and always has it been a big bunch of the same flower...nothing better. I will have to see if I can find them at that price around me....good deal! Oh and photos of Frenchie are always welcome...what a happy dog.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania