
Sunday, December 13, 2009


Homemade marmalade makes a wonderful gift at Christmas, especially when you add a sweet little vintage spoon. (This batch was bottled in vintage Mason jars) Hmmnn you say "far too time consuming", but no..... Here is a little CHEATER to breeze your way through the marmalade making process and make a dozen gifts pronto.  It is called Mamade-a can of already peeled (thick cut or thin) Seville oranges. (I buy mine at Denningers) All you have to do is add water and sugar and boil it in a pot.  Follow directions on the can for the marmalade, pour into sterile jars, process for 10 minutes(boil filled jars) and add a shimmery ribbon.  Stack them in you pantry and voila... the perfect gift ready and on hand.  I collect vintage spoons all year while Faffing Around and clean and polish them.  By the time Marmalade Season rolls around, I have enough for each jar.  Let me tell you..people love this gift. It is a lovely change from cookies and chocolate, plus there is the homemade factor, plus if you give one each year, they will start to have their own vintage spoon (and jar) collection.  Fabulous?  YES.


  1. Chania,
    What a great idea for s gift. Any chance you could sell a few jars?
    Let me know.

  2. I like could also put a message on the lid.



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