
Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Baby Gift

To me there is nothing nicer and more authentic than receiving a vintage gift. You just can't personalise a gift as beautifully as when you peruse flea markets, garage sales, auctions etc to find treasures. Shopping this way works on so many levels. First you are recycling and reusing rather than buying new. Second, the charm, value and workmanship on vintage items are often so much better than new, mass produced items. Third, it is UNIQUE. Yes, a Tiffany baby spoon and cup is nice, but mass produced, but how incredible is this adorable vintage baby cup and spoon and fork.

This little baby spoon and fork, although mismatched has the sweetest engraving and the charming cup has the most intricate fret work band and barley twisted handle. Pair them up and tie them onto the cup with a pale silver organza ribbon (pink or baby blue) and you have a keepsake for your new baby friend. LOVELY!


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