
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Better make another pot of coffee

Saturday morning, I am up at 5, enjoying a coffee and catching up on my favourite blogs. 

The best blogs to me have a certain character. The creativity and personality of the writer has to be evident.  It has to be original, not just glossy pics from design magazines. Good content...fresh ideas, new projects, interesting finds and I particularly love peeking into homes and lives from other countries. I found some new blogs this week, and thought you may want to take a peek.

Low Tide High Style  USA
O so D   USA-make sure you check out her website too ..incredible
Cottage On Rosewood   USA
Rubies Place - Australia
Mutterings From the Moor  UK


  1. Chania, thank you for including me. I love your blog and am thrilled to know you read mine.

  2. hi raz!

    i totally agree, although i do occasionally just
    like to look at pretty pictures, too.

    i can't make anything or take a pic to save my
    life, so it's fun to see what others can create!

    i will come back to visit your clever one!

  3. Hi Chania,
    Thank you so much for including my blog in your list above, you are such a sweetheart and it makes me so happy to know that you enjoy visiting my blog! I am off to visit the two blogs I haven't seen from your list above... I love visiting your blog & just wanted to say 'Have a wonderful time away!!'. ~ Tina x


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania