
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bunny Season

Spent the afternoon yesterday making gift bags for Easter.  We now have pink bunny ears and blue bunny ears.  We have sold a few of our silver baby cups and vintage egg cups with them.  It would be such a cute gift with a chocolate egg in it or a chocolate bunny. This weekend we are heading North to scour our favourite vintage haunts for more stock.

For Easter or baby gifts, we look out for little cups..

......reusable gift bags

...and little extra fillers such as baby spoons

....I become very attached to some of these adorable treasures, but know I can't hang on to them. 


  1. Oh I love your gorgeous finds!! Your Bunny bags are so gorgeous and our Lottie absolutely loves hers - thank you!! I hope you have a wonderful time treasure-hunting and find lots of wonderful treasures!! Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina xx

  2. I'm actually about to start making my chocolates for easter and I agree - a chocolate bunny in one of those bags would be adorable.


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