
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Lorraine and I abandoned our poor husbands again last weekend to pick up this gorgeous baby for the shop.  We first saw it a few weekends ago at a new haunt  where we charmed our way into his attic!
While touring the back and side yards of this place, we spotted this under a tarp.......The fellow was going to get around to sanding and staining it......but we begged him not to do so, and to let us buy it from him.  Some guys are funny.  Just as we all know men don't like to paint wood, they also don't like raw wood.  Always keen to slap on some Puritan Pine Minwax, leaving it naked seems horrifying....
But our fellow (we call him ours now) is coming around.  After we told him how much we like things, rough, raw, chippy and scrubby, he thinks we are nuts, but now he GETS IT.  He shows us stuff and says "you gals would probably like this, it's all worn and faded"  YES!
He gave it a light sanding and we may put a bees wax on it, just to even it out, but I love it, and think it is perfect as it is.  I think I would add industrial castors and make it an island.  I am throwing it on Craigslist soon, so we will see how it goes........but I hate to part with it...


  1. Ooo...I want a table top like that! I've been checking out Craig's list in our area and there are several free "you haul" barns. I think we're going to look at getting one in the fall. Oh, the potential!

  2. oh that's gorgeous Chania!! reminds me of my deak, but that's way smaller. Love the old patina. julesx

  3. .... my absolute dream table!

  4. Chania,
    I love that PLANKED barnwood table hmmmm! I think I would paint it peal it chip it, sand it beat it up and in gray's and whites natural driftwood tones, or maybe leave it like it is :)

    Thank you for teasing us all with your maybe craigslist listing. May even do better on ebay! or a sale in your shop!!

    Ooooh! I wanted to tell you I looked at my blog roll and could not find you and was shocked because everyone should be able to find you, so I made suer you were added and i checked twice to make sure you appear!!! :)

    Wish I lived closer to you!!

  5. Oh Chania, it looks amazing with those yellow chairs. Men don't get it, however I am one of the lucky ones, my hubby lets me paint wood. Good thing huh?


  6. Chania it's PERFECT....!!! Ummmmmmmmm.....Reckon you could ship it to me here in Australia.....hahahahahahaha....GREAT SCORE my Friend....!!!

    Cheers from TOO FAR away,
    Tamarah :o)

  7. I love that table. I'm looking for something like that here for our covered deck.

  8. Oooh, it is beautiful Chania!! Lucky person who gets to buy it!! Great find:) Hope you have a fabulous day ~ Tina x

  9. It is beautiful Chania~ There is going to be one happy Craigslist-er for sure!!
    I love the yellow chairs paired with it too...You have such a great eye for design!
    Health and happiness to you,

  10. Chania,
    Thank you so much for your visit, your words are dear and close to my heart, you are way to kind with your comments to my blogs, I want you to know that I treasure every word,

    Thank you dear one.

  11. I love raw wood, and that table is fabulous!!

    Good to hear "your guy" gets it :-) Hopefully he'll have some more treasures for you :-)


  12. Oh your guy really came through. This is what we call in Australia a "little bewdy". Meaning a great find. I love the chairs with it.

  13. Hi Chania,
    What a lovely table I can see why you just had to have it. Such character and charm etched into the tabletop from the many years of use.
    Donna xx

  14. Another wonderful find. I, too, share your love for aged to perfection pieces that have so much character. This is the kind of table where wonderful dinner parties, planned and impromptu, take place. My husband, thankfully, tolerates all my "old" stuff though, truth be told, I have not gotten too crazy - yet!

  15. Oh, it's gorgeous. Totally up my alley..! Siiigh. Too bad we're downsizing. And live far away from each other. And of course, then there's the money issue. :)



I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania