
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Faffing Around - Day 2 - and a Small Earthquake.

Ok, It's day two......I've decided to get off my butt, quit drinking 4 cappucinos in the morning (as well as the afternoon mohitos) and start organizing my kitchen.  Plans are moving right along with the island, and Ken came by today with some barnboard.  It appears he has a friend who has a barn he is slowly (2 years now) taking down.  Ken went by the barn, no-one home, but removed a few boards anyway, and left the guy a note.  Hey, it's the country, it's casual and easygoing up here. 

Some renters bought me this blue jug from a local potter to thank me for renting to them (not sure why...maybe they broke something they didn't tell me about).  Anyway, I thought it looked pretty with
flowers from the garden. 
I had purchased this wooden box last week while shopping for the Shop.  I am the type of person who likes things out in the open, but I like them corralled somewhat or it gets out of hand.  That ridiculously tall peppermill wouldn't fit on the counter under the cupboards, so it has to sit on the island.  Problem is when the washing machine is running (under the island) during the spin cycle, it shakes it off (and anything else near the edge) onto the floor.  Problem solved.
Which brings me to the earthquake.  I get up around 5 am for my dog and can't get back to sleep, so I sometimes have a little nap in the afternoon.  I lay down in the afternoon, went dead asleep, and was woken by the bed shaking (don't) and the ceiling fan swaying.  Remember, this little wooden house shakes with the washing machine spin cycle. I could hear my bottles and jars of Bits tinkling.  I ran to the doorway and tried to call my deaf and still sleeping dog to stand in the doorway with me,(I think that is protocol for Tornados I got confused) but then it ended.  5.5.  they said origianlly, down grading that to a 5.0, epicentre in Quebec.  Aparently Georgian Bay has a fault line going through it, so it was quite strong here.  Buildings in Toronto and Ottawa were evacuated as well as the local "Moms Restaurant"  Scared the crap out of me. 
The cupboards were painted last week and I have to find new hardware.  The blue you can see on the island is an undercoat only.

I have removed the carpet in the spare bedroom to expose the wood floors (I found a trap door of sorts, but I am not going to open it while I am alone here. Tomorrow, I plan to paint the spare bedroom.


  1. It sounds like you are being very industrious (drining coffe and tea also counts)! WOW, an earthquake...I have only felt one, in fact it woke me up one morning a few years ago. We don't get many in Tasmania. Did your pooch sleep right through it? At least all was well :)

  2. Luckily it wasn't damaging! I haven't experienced an earthquake yet. And your self-indulgent few days (with a few jobs) sounds wonderful, Chania.

  3. A bit of a scary moment indeed but what could be more scary is that trap door!!!! Eeek!

  4. Hubby was on the second floor and yelled to me downstairs in the kitchen that we were having an earthquake. He felt it (obviously), but there was nothing going on on the ground floor. I told him to stop being silly.
    We used to live in Tokyo, you get earthquakes there all the time. By Japanese standards, this was a no-big-deal one.
    I liked the guy interviewed in the bar in Toronto. The journalist (trying to cause hysteria?) asked the man frantically what he was going to do if there were any aftershocks, to which he replied "pretty much what I did during the earthquake...sit here and drink my beer..."
    Except that the G-20 & G-8 is going on in the city right now, I would have thought it was a slow day for news.

  5. that capiz shell light is gorgeous chania! jxx

  6. An earthquake and a trap door! Sounds like you're having quite and adventure! I love the wooden box - I've been looking for one in exact same color.....hhhmmm
    Don't sweat it if you don't get much done - enjoy your getaway. I love time to myself when I can work a little, take a little nap, play and faff around...drinks by the water - sounds great!
    Take Care!

  7. Earthquakes are scary! I lived through one on Guam a million years ago - it was 8.2 and rocked our place for a full minute! scary.

  8. Looks lovely Chania. I'm glad to hear you and your dog are ok. I love the little blue box. Perfect color!

  9. I heard about the earthquake but thank heavens didn't get one here. Trap doors are interesting as well as scary, you are wise not to try it alone. I'm still envious of your lovely week!


  10. You know living on the coast I have heard since I was a kid to prepare for the big one. I was shocked to hear you guys had an earthquake??? Glad you are okay!!! I have been in LA when they have had tremors...kinda freaky!

  11. Did you use Farrow and ball paints? aren't they amazing!!?
    Nice pics!

  12. 5.5 that sounds like a big one. We are also on a fault line here and had an earthquake in 1991 but nothing like on that scale. My other half could not believe his eyes to see one of the walls moving backwards and forwards. He got out of the house post haste. I think your house is a dream. I am looking up Creuset (red) frying pans on the web - have just seen a beautifully restored one!

  13. Love your wooden box and blue island! Looking great!

  14. Chania - how traumatic, having last seen Clayton! I hope the whole situation doesn't remain so vivid. How awful! Poor man.

    How fascinating - a rogue bear - the idea of that happening in Australia is just too weird to comprehend! So bears really do roam in the wild there? Excuse my ignorance...

    Your proposal dinner looked delicious and I loved your writing to match. I do so enjoy your writing.

    Honey, I say go crazy on the mohitos and the coffee! Due to treatment that I am undergoing at the present time, I have to abstain from coffee, tea, (me - he, he), alcohol, joy...and am missing all of those narcotic, pleasurable substances sooooo much. So go crazy honey and have a couple more for me!

    Lovely once again, to check in and see what you are up to.

    Tracey x o

  15. Hi Chania. Wow (earthquake excluded) you sound like you are having a lovely, well-earned, quiet week at your gorgeous cottage. Great to hear:) Promise me that curiosity (or majitos) won't get the better of you and leave that trapdoor alone until you have company!!! Mind you I can't wait to hear what you find under it:) Have a fabulous weekend my friend ~ Tina xx

  16. Wow Chania,I wouldn't imagine that you could feel the earthquake in the scary, hey? I love the cabinets of your kitchen!!!!! Just adorable! you did an amazing job! Did you prime them first? I saw a paint from Beahr that comes witth the primer/paint in one galon!
    Enjoy your time in the Cottage and can't wait to see the bedroom...
    Li :-)

  17. Have just discovered your blog - it's a feast for the eyes! Am your new follower. Cheers, Jane

  18. How terrifying to have the earth move..! I've never experienced it, but I can't imagine. I'm glad all is well, though. The kitchen is looking lovely, by the way.


  19. Whoa! An earthquake, a rampant bear, trapdoors, mojitos in the afternoon ... Your days in the cottage have been full of adventure. Seriously, earthquakes are scary. We have our share of them in Southern California, and each time, I wonder if it will be the Big One. Scary stuff. I hope the rest of your week is relatively uneventful.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania