
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vanilla Sandwhich Yo-Yo Cookie

I am invited for lunch today at a friends house and wanted to bring a little sweet treat for her.  I read a blog by Janis Nikolay who is a lifestyle photographer and avid baker.  Each week she posts a gorgeous recipe, and any I have tried have been great.  This recipe for Yo-Yo cookies came from her blog Pine Cone Camp which you can find HERE.
Being on a permanent diet, If I am baking, I try to get rid of the leftovers quickly and deliver them on little plates to unsuspecting neighbors.  Last night I made 2 home deliveries and have this little vintage pressed glass plate ready to take to my lunch. Not one to buy brand new dishes, I find loads of sweet vintage plates in my travels. I always buy them for a dollar or two and hang on to them to use for baked gifts.  The plate then becomes part of the gift...a pretty recycled treasure to use and enjoy long after the cookies are gone.


  1. Hi Chania...lovely pics. I used one from a previous post on my top ten pics of the week post today. I'm sorry I didn't ask first...hope that was ok!!

  2. Dear Chania,
    I wish I was your neighbour!
    Bettina :-)

  3. Your Yo Yo cookies look delicious! You are such a thoughtful person, I love the idea of leaving the plate with the gift! I must remember that! xx

  4. Oh yes, I admired these over at Pinecone Camp and yours look great. What a good idea to collect pretty little dishes as part of edible gifts - I must start keeping a lookout.

  5. Hello Chania....!

    Oh my....Yo Yo's are my ABSOLUTE FAVE bicky EVER in the world....There is a small town here in Victoria that Mr SVJ takes me to a couple of times a year where they have quite large ones with HARD sweet icing....He buys me about 20 each time we go....I ADORE them....I can't wait to try your recipe....!!!

    Cheers for now lovey,
    Tamarah :o)

  6. I love your idea for using an old vintage plate to present the cookies and to leave it with your hostess as a gift :-) I think I inadvertently did that a few years ago at a Christmas party, because I haven't been able to find my glass Christmas platter ever since!!

    The cookies look yummy -- thanks for sharing the recipe :-)


  7. Geez why do you and I have to live on opposite ends of the country eh?

  8. What a sweet thing to give a little vintage plate along with the treats! I love that idea. I love to bake too but like you I need to stay away from sugar and it's so tempting when you bake.

    Hope you have a delightful day.


  9. oh my gosh, I want to be your neighbor! those look scrumptious. thanks for the heads up about that blog. I'll have to go check it out.

  10. Yum, these look so great! Would you come to Aus and live in my street please?

  11. Hi Chania! Lovely display of cookies!!! You make everything look amazing! I wish I were your neighbor too. : )
    Health and happiness,

  12. My mother-in-law makes these and they are my favourite biscuit! She calls them kiss biscuits.

    Lovely post!

    Best wishes,

  13. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZE post me some... pretty please?


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania