
Monday, June 14, 2010

Musings...Little things that brighten your life....

I love this photo.  This was yesterday in my garden.  My mum was here for supper and was perusing the herb garden.  My Gracie is OBSESSED with her.  She literally followers her everywhere she goes. 
When we take mum home, Gracie whines and cries by the door.  This is a behaviour that Gracie started after mums stroke.
My ferral cat Hannah.  A cat who was wild, neglected and abused.  She wouldn't come within 10 feet of anyone, especially a man. While Hannah and Mooch kept a respectful distance, Hannah and Gracie adore each other.  She has dog behaviours: never leaves the yard, sits on the front lawn with Gracie watching the world go by, goes outside with Gracie at night for the final pee, lines up behind the dog when she hears the treat jar........She even grooms Gracie. Now she is obsessed with Blake and follows him wherever he goes.  If he is on the hammock, Hannah's on the hammock.
 A suprise bouquet of simple old fashioned daisys from Lorraine's mum for me.
Hand painted vintage Christmas ornaments-a little gift from the fellow Lorraine and I buy from for the pretty in June as December...
The palest pink New Dawn roses and early morning sunshine.


  1. How sweet that Gracie takes care of your mum. Dogs are the best! Hey stop by and sign up for my giveaway.


  2. Good Morning ~ Looks like you are surrounded by lots of love and beauty! Could it get any better....

    Have a wonderful day!
    Sarah xo

  3. Hi Chania,
    What a sweet little pooch Gracie is...dogs can sense if others are vulnerable and need protection. Your kitty is cute, too. Animals really do enrich our lives. I sure enjoy my little zoo here.

    Second Hand Chicks

  4. Love the picture of your mum and Gracie. So sweet! Chania, you are a wonderful daughter to have created such a fabulous garden for your mother. You really put a lot of thought and planning into it. I love the little surprises you leave for her.

    I have a feral cat that I rescued and, like your Hannah, she was very skittish as she had never been around humans before. Now, although she is still a little skittish she comes to me and lets me pet her. She has even finally gotten to the point where I can pick her up for a moment.

    ~ Tracy

  5. What a touching post! I love the stories about your Gracie and Hannah. Thank you. :)


  6. How sweet ... Gracie & your mother. And what a wonderful garden!

  7. How blessed you are and your mum to have such a beautiful garden to enjoy and the company of loving pets! How they can make our days brighter. Thanks so much for coming by and entering the giveaway!

  8. I am glad you bring your mum home to enjoy your company and sit in the yard. She probably looks forward to this visit all week!

  9. Chania,

    Remember I first found you because of the garden you did with your Mama's needs in mind. Now to have a peek at her enjoying the beauty with Gracie by her side, makes my image of this spot ring crystal clear.

    Little things like this post do brighten your (my) life.

    : }


  10. Happy there are lots of bright spots in your life! Loved your honest comment on my blog today.

  11. I love the pics of your Mum and your Gracie, that just makes me smile:) All of your musings and pics are just lovely Chania. Those daisies are divine, how sweet of Lorraine's Mum:) Hope that you have a wonderful week my friend ~ Tina xx

  12. Isn't that gorgeous! Animals are so sensitive - where would we be without them in our lives?

  13. Hi Chania - I just love the daisies - that picture looks like it belongs in Country Living! And the wild cat - yep I have one of those - his name is Thomas. Maybe Thomas and Hannah should hook up?! Lou x

  14. Lovely images Chania, real moments in life that make you stop and feel and reflect. Animals are amazing they teach us lots.
    Have a great week.
    Donna xx


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania