
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Breakfast in Bed

How pretty is this Calamine Pink breakfast tray with this brown and white transferware tea set?
Sometimes when we set up a new display in the shop, I just hate taking it apart.  Like this teaset in pristine condition.  I want it to be part of the "display" forever.  I love it so much with this breakfast tray. I bought from its original owner, a charming old lady who told me she's downsizing...... getting rid of her old stuff...... de-cluttering.....


  1. Sounds like something I would do, breaking up the display and buying only part of it. I do that ya know!


  2. LOve the pink and brown...the transferware, though antique, has a up to date design to it.

  3. Oh Chania, I have a friend who adores brown transfer-ware! I have to send her this link right now!


  4. Oh I am so willing to buy someone else's "clutter"...How adorable!

    m ^..^

  5. Those colors are really elegant!

  6. I wonder what people are going to think when one day we decide to de-clutter?

  7. Hi Chania...these are so pretty and goodness knows how you dismantle your displays. They are so beautiful. I would be he world's worst shop owner - I would never want to sell the key items that made my shop look pretty! Thanks so much for your recent kind comments, you are always such a sweetie. Lou x

  8. oh i love brown transferware, its so lovely. and what a gorgeous pattern you have there chania! jx

  9. Chania I can see why you wouldn't want to split this set up...It's GORGEOUS....I LOVE the shape of the teapot....!

    Tamarah :o)

  10. That is must have so much fun at work....I think I would end up keeping way too much!!!! Have a great day,going to cool off a bit by the weekend I think....way too hot for me! x0

  11. Oooh, I love those transferware dishes, what a pretty display. I can understand why you hate to take it apart. So glad to see you over at my place, hope you and yours are all well. Hugs - Carrie

  12. Pink & brown? Classic & gorgeous! :)
    Have a lovely day, Chania!

  13. I have always wanted a set of brown transferware. I just love it.

  14. Lovely! I just love dishes like this. Breakfast in bed is my favorite.

    xo Marcie

  15. Lovely Chania! And breakfast in bed? Perfect! Specially with these lovely dishes!
    I was catching up with your posts and loved the project you did with the window shutter for your bathroom. What a beautiful job!
    Hope is not too hot at the Island.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  16. Beautiful Chania! My sister collects transferware too and brings it out over the holidays......
    Hope all is well with you...I need to catch up on your posts... I am behind with my blog friends! Have a great weekend!
    Health and happiness,

  17. I really like the pink and the brown together. I have six tea sets. They always used to be the mainstay of wedding presents and my husband's aunt also bought me a couple of them for Christmas presents. I don't think that I have ever used them. 'Fraid we're slobs and drink out of mugs and mash the teabag against the side with a teaspoon.

  18. Love the BROWN transferware!

    The PINK tray.....not so much......

    But I guess if you have to have pink, it does look pretty good with brown.

    You know how it is. ;-)


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania