
Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Farmers Wife...I Should Have Been a Farmers Wife

My cow friend....

I have always loved a farm.  When we were young, we would visit my grandparents in Lincolnshire...
My grandmother never let us be idle and during our stay would send us over to the
Green's Farm to help out.  We bagged and tied sacks of grain on the back of the trailer being pulled by the combine.  We gathered the eggs, bottle fed orphaned lambs and weren't allowed to come home until the Greens were finished with us.  I loved every minute of it.

When I was a teenager I spent a summer in Ontario working on a horse farm and another summer in Kentucky again working with thoroughbred horses.
We were up at 5, and working by 5:30.  Bailing hay, mucking out stalls, grooming yearlings and faffing around the farm.  When we weren't busy with the horses, we were painting barns and fence posts.  I remember I was painting a horse barn when I heard Elvis had died.

More than horses, I love cows.  One day I will photograph my cow paintings I have collected.  I stopped to photograph this cow last week and all of a sudden all his buddies were visiting too.
If I could pick anything I would do if I could magically change things, it would be to have a farm.
I would love to have livestock, grow my own food, maybe a shop selling my jams and jellies and farmhouse Bits.  Chickens and eggs and of course a donkey.  My granny had a donkey and it has always been a dream of mine to own one.  Hers was called Semolina.  It was the color of steamed semolina pudding.
I could grow hollyhocks and gladiolas and garlic....
I have been faffing around with the idea lately and trying to encourage my non-farmer type of a husband to consider a country life.  So far he's not remotely interested.......
Bit I still dream of it......

What do you dream about.....?


  1. Beautiful post.
    Sometimes I dream about living in a small space in the city, a stone's throw from museums and the theatre and sidewalk cafe's....but not too often.

    Your post made me appreciate what I DO have...our small little farm with horses,rabbits,ducks chickens, kittens and a dog and glorious nature all around. Hard work but good to the earth work...and nothing elswe quite like it.

    happy day!

  2. Raz...I dream about a house intuscany...waking to the chill of Europe's mornings, cooking every day with friends and family, living my life on the outside of my house...celebrating every delicious mouthful I am so very lucky to benefit from.
    How come we are born so very far from our dreams?

  3. Painting a horse barn when you heard that Elvis had died - that is a claim to fame in itself. I dream of being allowed to carry on in the same way as I have, into my old age, and dying shortly after I have taken my boots off and settled into a nice bed.

  4. Love that you dream of this. Isn't a simple farmer's life exquisite!? I can't wait to see the photos you get for your contest. I bet they are lovely.

    xo Marcie

  5. Chania, my dear Joe made my dream come true last year in a charming little yellow house near my family with a beautiful yard and a stone fireplace and so much more. It complicated our life but we love it all the same. I think a farm is a lovely place but it is out of my reach for reals. Maybe you can still sweet talk your hubs into it! Have a splendid weekend♥olive

  6. Oh Chania that FIRST pic stopped me in my tracks....A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y....A-W-E-S-O-M-E....!!

    I'd love a farm too with a small cottage, a barn like the one in your pic, a garden & some chooks....I'd LOVE to own Clydesdales....Are they not the MOST MAGNIFICENT beasts ever....!!

    As always Chania a YUMMY post to make me drool & smile....THANKS....!!

    I HOPE to get my pics in tomorrow for the comp....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  7. I like cows too but would have to pick horses first. My dad breeds ponies so I was lucky to grow up around a lot of animals. There are some aspects of farm life that are definitely not for me but I do love being around animals.
    I just planted hollyhocks in my garden so can't wait for them to grow:)

  8. I dreamed of farming too. But I cannot even handle the dead and dying garden that I have. I think the idea is nice,but, something would have to give. I mean, you would have to give up the everyday running around otherwise nothing would get done on the have a farm you need to be at your farm taking care of it. Right now, my life is really busy....I barely can get the laundry done!

  9. I had a childhood dream of owning a chimpanzee...I think that would be fun. I was Staying at the cottage on Okanogan lake when Elvis died. That day is etched into my brain..weird. I was not that big of fan.

  10. Oh, I was 11 when he died.

  11. I could be blissfully happy living on a farm. My husband, not so much.

    Your post is beautiful.

  12. I dream of a small cottage near one of my kids, with space for a real vegetable garden and some chickens for fresh eggs in the morning, (and because my Dad raised them when he was a boy.)

    I dream of fresh air, rolling hills and streams, back country roads, neighbors who care.... Something I have had to live without for 34 years...and a few cows and sheep grazing at a nearby farm wouldn't hurt. :-0

  13. I dream of the sea. Always the sea.I liked hearing about your dream. xx

  14. What e great blog you have....i came her from Erin.....happy day....i follow you...hope you will follow me too...........hugs from me.....Ria....

  15. I dream of having a little house on the dunes in P.E.I. We just returned from a vacation there - a week in a little cottage on the dunes overlooking the beach - I could have stayed all summer...

  16. Oh my, now you have me dreaming too...
    Have a happy weekend. Will follow you along from now on... xx

  17. Sounds like a lovely dream:)
    I dream of a tiny cottage by the sea!!!
    Love your photos too....fabulous!

  18. I love your farm post!I want to reach out and touch the soft, cow atop your blog! My Dad is with you - adores cows. Adores them.

    My dream - to wild to put into words. Trivial and yet hard to make happen.

    going to write in my diary about it - thank you, Chania - you opened a flood gate of feeling.

    Tracey x o

  19. hello,

    wat a graet blog do you have.
    very lovly fotos.

    greatingss end you Conny


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania