
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Faffing Around with the Camera Settings

Nikon D3000 ISO 400 , 200 mm lens Unaltered

If I seem to have strayed somewhat from design related things on this blog, there are a few reasons.

  • No projects at home or cottage.

  • Budget.

  • No need to indulge.  I am trying to save and buy only what I need.  I can get consumed with Things, Bits and Stuff, and I want my blog to be my journal, not a catalogue of purchases. While I will always search for Finds for myself and the Shop, and do love to shop, I have so many other interests such as my garden, cooking and my latest All of which I would like to blog about, as well as the design stuff.
For my birthday this year Mr. Razmataz gave me a piece of jewelry, which I unceremoniously (and perhaps ungratefully) returned and traded in.  Nice wife I am?  Anyway, I had my heart set on a DLSR camera for home use and for Razmataz. Since then,  I have been shooting at least 400 pictures a day and ruthlessly deleting all but a few.  For every 100 photos, I may get 1 or 2 that I feel worth keeping.

Tonight I played with the settings.  Because it was getting dark, I changed the ISO to 400 and
the Release Mode to continuous.  That's when the camera goes click/click, click/click, click/click.  allowing the shutter to open and close in rapid succession and capture images very quickly.  I found a gaggle ? of ducks and shot them eating grain. (with the camera).

What I ended up with were shots that were artistically out of focus (is there such a thing).  I love the blurred images...I think they look very much like they were painted with pastels.

And one last photo because I am into lost feathers lately....
Lost Feather in the water.


  1. Wow, these photos are great! I love the movement created.

    xo M

  2. You are such a camera-girl...good for you!

  3. I for one love blogs that are a mixture, not all one thing or another. Which is why I visit here so often., ah like every post. We are so much more than just a _______ fill in the blank, cook, Mom, decorator etc.

    No wonder you are getting such great pics. You take 400 at a time? I'm afraid I need to work on my patience then to be as good.

    I'm still freaked out about pink....I can't think of anything, but I so want to play..and my 2 year blog anniversary is tomorrow and I've got .......nothing!

    My mind is a sieve this week...a bloomin sieve.



  4. Random thoughts:

    I'd kill for a DSLR! But knowing me I'd be too lazy to go through all of the manual. I'm terrible that way.

    I love ducks (obviously, I held one on the farm!)

    Love that you're doing this with your blog Chania, it's very eclectic. I like not knowing what I'll see next.

    Is there such a thing as artistically out of focus? Yes absolutely. David Hamilton is a perfect example, if you're not a fan I understand.

    Thanks for your comment on my "Be There" post. As you grow to know me you'll see my word is my bond.

  5. You are a real photograher!!!! beautiful !!!!! ....wishing you a happy day darling love Ria...

  6. I can see that practice makes perfect Chania. Your photos lately have been amazing, and now I know why. I must admit that now that I'm blogging I really feel that my photography skills need to improve, and like you, I think I need to save for a better camera than my current trusty point and shoot. xx

  7. I absolutely adore the feather pictures. I've always loved feathers ever since someone told me it meant there were angels nearby.
    Looks like you're having lots of fun with the camera. (You get more use out of it than a piece of jewelery I'm sure!)

  8. I knew you found a new hobby. Budget, budget , budget! Oh I hate those words! I enjoy your pictures, keep them coming.

  9. Chania, I would much rather have a good camera than a piece of jewelry any day. Good for you. I love what you are doing with your new acquisition. I am on the same wave length as you with shopping. For the past several months, I have only bought what was absolutely necessary, which mainly means food. Even with our renovation, I am determined to not go out and purchase a bunch of new stuff for the new space. Paring down suits me right now. Keep going with that camera-- you are putting some impressive stuff here!

  10. Chania - I love the colours! I'm hooked on photography too. I take my camera with me everywhere.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania