
Monday, September 20, 2010

Driftwood Cottage

 I came across a beach today that was laden with driftwood.  The colors wre so gorgeous.  Silver, bronze, white.....all mixed together.

They reminded me of old bones.

Sea creatures


All this in the suburbs.  And then this cottage overlooking the Driftwood Beach.
With a driftwood inspired railing.

Overlooking the harbour and Toronto in the distance. 
Clear enough to see the CN Tower on the skyline.


  1. What lovely photos- that is a beautifully inspired railing!

  2. I love the way you see things that most people pass right by. I have learned from your posts to look more closely at everything.

  3. I love the pics, makes me miss the beach! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Do you ever pick up any of the drift wood? I think I might.

  5. Oh, your picts make me miss the Oregon Coast all the more. I love driftwood! Kit

  6. Beautiful! And in our own backyard. Who knew????

  7. Love all your finds. I went on an easy hike w/my kids and husband over the weekend and was so inspired by a bunch of wooden bits and pieces we kept finding. There's nothing better than being inspired by nature.

  8. Oh they do look like bones! And what gorgeous smooth rocks too. Your pictures are fabulous.

    Jane T.

  9. Chania - love the driftwood - on the beaches here there is hardly any - not a big enough ocean to wash some up I guess. That railing is just gorgeous. Lou x

  10. Beautiful photos, love the driftwood walrus! How amazing to be able to live so near the city but right on the ocean. x

  11. Oh. Your post reminds me of a friend of my daughters'. He came from Germany this spring for the first time on the west coast of Canada.

    He wanted to see driftwood. He was very excited.

    We took him out to th ocean. He exclaimed with shock and amazement at the driftwood.

    "That's not driftwood. Those are trees!"
    He was so disapointed. He thought it was going to be small pieces and just did not understand the full size timber on the beaches.

    We had to explain to him that they get washed to the ocean from the rivers from storms and logging etc.

    Your post brought a funny memory forward for me about something so bountiful around her and som simple that we don't even "see" it any longer.

  12. Can I spell? Maybe I type too fast! LOL.

  13. What a view,I've been up the CN tower,who knew that the view from the CN tower was your backyard,wow! the drift wood,I think walkn' round your neighborhood would be a dream!

  14. I really like your wood post !! amazing Ria.....

  15. You certainly do get to hang out in some beautiful places. I love the shot that looks like a seal sunning upside down.

    I have been missing a few days of everyone's posts etc...What is the latest with the cottage?

    I'm hoping to catch up again in blogdom by the end of the week....and hope to see you Friday for the challenge. ( I know you'll be there, but I may have collapsed by then hehe )

    BIG hugs


  16. The photographs are gorgeous! I'd love to stumble upon a beach full with driftwood..., not so common here in Southern New England. And the railing is great!

  17. Great captures! I always liked finding the twisted drift wood on Oregon beaches in the summer when I'd vacation there. All bleached and (like you said) bone like. Cool!

  18. Gorgeous driftwood! I love your pics too, Ms. Razmataz.
    As for the blackberry swirl cookies - thanks for letting me know I didn't mention the baking temperature or what type of butter. It's 350f/180c and unsalted. Sorry about that! How did they turn out? janis

  19. love, love, LOVE the images here!!! i have a small collection of driftwood treasures...don't find too much of it down at the gulf though...

  20. Oh, how nice! And the fact that such beautiful treasures were found so close to the city! It was nice to see the Toronto skyline again. I lived in that beautiful city from the age of 3 until I was 15. The CN tower was new then. I well remember visiting Cherry Beach near downtown along Lake Ontario. Ann

  21. I love driftwood Chania!Beautiful pictures!

  22. The pictures are beautiful. I love all the different faces in the driftwood


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