
Friday, October 1, 2010

Photo Challenge-Self Portrait

This weeks challenge was self portrait.  Technically it didn't have to be your face.  You could have done something artistic that you feel represented yourself.

The blogging world is odd in the sense that we know most people through cyberspace only.
 Our image of our blogging buddy may be completely different from reality. 
 Do you have a physical image or impression of a person whose blog you read.?  I wonder how close to reality that is.Maybe that's why blogging is so popular.  The initial judgements on appearance is not there.  We can be whoever we want to be.

 I think it's like online dating.  We show only what we choose to reveal.  The pretty vignette of the room or the gorgeously prepared meal.  The perfect children.  A mirage.  Someone wrote on my blog once that I have such a charmed life.  I wondered how on earth they felt that.  I reveal very little of myself on a personal level, and virtually nothing of my family or friends.  The photo of my daughter in my last post  (medusa) is the most revealing one I have ever put of my kids. And that one was not reality.

 If we do choose to put up a photo, how real is that picture?

So keeping it real, here is my self portrait. 

Top:  Me, early morning. Nightgown. No Makeup. Bed head.

2nd: Close- Camera in my face which adds distortion....or does it?

3rd:. Trying to make my eyes look even.  One eye always looks smaller in photos, so I compensate by trying to open them both equally. I used to have this photo on my profile but my sister emailed me and told me it made me look googly eyed.

Bottom photo: Me in dark glasses (hungover) on my way to a party.I like this photo which is rare for me.  Note my hair is the same when I wake up in the morning as when I go out.  Permanent bed head hair.  4 years ago, my dead straight hair mysteriously went wavy.  Now all I have to do is scrunch it.  I never liked my hair, all of my life as it was straight and limp.  Hairdressers always commented on how straight it was.  One day, I noticed it started to wave, then over 6 months-this.

Next week, we are prying further into your personal self.  Not an artistic endeavor, but his one should be fun.


How safe is that..we all have one. Maybe this is still part of the self portrait?????!!!!


  1. Love it! I like next week's challenge. I know quite a few people that have junk closets, or like my gramma, junk rooms!

  2. Hhahahaha!! lovely done !!...happy weekend Ria..

  3. FUN! week junk,whoohoo!

  4. You are so analytical about your hair Chania. Just think how many girls work for that look! Junk Drawer? That is a hoot...we have to the tenth power! hugs♥olive

    p.s. you look fabulous without makeup

  5. I think your hair is wonderful! It may be the part that depicts you the best for I believe you have a wild side!
    What an interesting exercise Chania, mostly because we don't look at ourselves, especially our own faces very often.
    My best friend reads me very well because, as she likes to remind me, "she lives on the outside of my face".

  6. Great photos! I like your descriptions for each one, and how they represent you at different times in different moods. :)

  7. Your early morning bedhead is a spectacular shot! I used to have stick straight hair too .... turning gradually into something wavy the older I grow.

    You pose an interesting question when it comes to what we see in blog photos, how that translates into reality and what is actually real .....

  8. Chania,

    You are simply a hoot! If I ever decide to tie one on again, I want you by my side showing me how to let loose and enjoy!

    The text on this post is perfect; the challenge is insightful and thought provoking. I am just so pleased to see the gals rising to the challenge....and yes, I'm going to give it a go as soon as PG ends on Monday.

    but now another problem..the junk drawer...sweetie I organize all day every day for people, so of course at home my drawers are well.. VERY organized...

    challenge is the perfect word for are challenging me to be creative every week..Ow! my head hurts.



    funny my hair's texture changed 6 months ago and it now does what yours is blog photo is not what my hair looks like anymore: you'll see :D

  9. Chania, I love this post and all of the portraits of you! It's true that we always put our best foot...or face forward to the blog world and so sometimes the ups and downs of everyday life don't show through.

    Your beauty comes from within, and it shines through in each and every one of your lovely portrait photos!

    Kat :)

    P.S. My hair used to be much curlier when I was younger...go figure!

  10. I love your photos! They remind me of the photos you would get in the little booths at the mall. We would always make faces. Love your hair! Kit

  11. Hi Raz...I just realized that I didn't comment last week for my first photo sorry! Not taking the challenge this time but loved the idea. The four verions of you are very clever and cute...I have a smaller eye too sometimes btw!


  12. Morning GORGEOUS....!

    I popped into your blog this morning & 4 minutes later was out on the deck trying to take my own pic....It was 'interesting' to say the least....!!

    THANK YOU for a thought provoking challenge my stylish Friend....I'm looking FORWARD to next weeks though it may be hard to focus on just one junk drawer....hahahahahaha....!

    Cheers from OZ,
    Tamarah :o)

  13. PS: I LOVE your pics Chania....The second being my FAVE because of you BEAUTIFUL smile....I DON'T think you look googly eyed in the third pic at all....!!

  14. This was fantastic! I love your self portraits. I must get on this one myself. I'm going to attempt this over the weekend, I think. Can't wait for the Junk Drawer post!
    have a great weekend.

  15. Hi Chania! What a lovely post, made me think a lot...
    Have a great week end!

  16. I have to admit that the photo on my blog is one that was taken when I had my make-up done!!
    I have recently met some blogger friends - partly because we had become friends thru blogging and only lived about 50 miles from each other. I have to admit I was a bit nervous before hand - would we like each other in person? Had we put out a different persona on our blogs that we are in real life? But we all got on like a house on fire :-)

  17. Chania - your pictures are brilliant - as are everybody else's. I love the Friday Photo Challenge - so glad you started it - really gives me something to think about like what to put up. Next Friday's certainly also puts the 'challenge' in 'challenge'. I think as a rule we do all tell the truth about ourselves and that's what's built up a community of friends which for me is everything!

  18. What brave souls you all are! Kudos to all of you. I've enjoyed seeing everyone's interpretation of this challenge. Finally, after months of blogging, I finally uploaded a recent photo of me to my own blog just a few weeks ago. My dream is to one day draw or paint a self-portrait of myself though I have never tried my hand at either!

  19. Chania, What a great post! You always get me thinking and I love that about your blog. : ) My hair was totally straight until last year. I now have a big wave of hair in the back of my head! Go figure.. It makes hair styling (if you want to call it that :)) quite a challenge!
    Love the pictures of you. What a beautiful soul inside and out!
    Health and happiness,

  20. So true! I create images in my mind of what I think fellow bloggers look like, and what type of lives they live! I love the 2nd picture of you!

  21. Hi Chania... I've had no internet lately.. but sort of glad I missed this one... I mean missed entering..

    Your story made me laugh as I had dead straight hair all my life.. and woke up with wavy hair one day... it's a really strange story that goes with it and I'll refrain from sharing for fear of ppl thinking me whacko!!! [or more whacko!!!] hahahaha

    I like your tousled look and can truly emphasize with not wanting to straighten it... OK... have a lovely day.. ciao xxx Julie


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania