
Monday, November 15, 2010

Birds on A Wire Photography--A gift in the mail.....

All from Birds on a Wire Photography.....available 

I was the very lucky recipient of a gift in the mail today.  It was a giveaway package from Johanna, the creative mind behind the blog Birds on a Wire and also a very talented photographer.

It included a handwritten note thanking me for a guest post I did on her blog a little while ago.  You can read that HERE.  I started following her blog when she was living about half an hour from my house, but then her family (the cutest boy Noah you have ever seen, and her husband) were moved through work to the Yukon. The Real North. Where darkness comes early and stays late. I shamefully know nothing about the Yukon, but I now get to see a bit of it through Johanna's eyes and her magnificent photography.  I am mesmerised by the images of this Northern place so foreign to me.  If I was to describe it, I would say it has a raw quality.  Magical and peaceful, but raw.

Blogger has just informed me that I have run out of photo space, so I cannot post the other photos I took of her work until later, but you can see her work, the prints and cards and postcards at her Etsy shop HERE.

Thank you Johanna for the peek into a mama's life in the Yukon and also for the thoughtful, much appreciated gift.



  1. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful.
    Ps.. I love your blog. :)

  2. What a lovely gift! Ps. I'm having a cute giveaway, please feel free to join if you're pleased!!


  3. I keep hearing about this blogger storage thing on other blogs. Wonder when it will hit me?

    Lucky you for winning such a gift. I love the name Bird on a Wire. One of my favorite song titles done by Leonard Cohen...." I have tried in my way to be free"



  4. Hi Chania,
    Thank you for such a sweet post-I feel so lucky to have "met" you through this amazing community called blogland.
    Yes- the Yukon is majestic, there is no other way to describe it. Maybe you'll come see it for yourself'd have a place to stay :O)
    Hugs to you from the chilly North~!

  5. Don't you just LOVE surprises?!!!


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania