
Monday, November 22, 2010


We lost our Gracie today.  She was 2 weeks shy of her 16th birthday, an amazing age for a labrador.
Love you girl.


  1. Poor you...poor Gracie.......wishing you streingth darling....16 years that is not nothing!!...he was a peace of your life !!.warm Ria....

  2. I am so sorry to hear of his passing. Losing one of our pets is very hard to bear. Take care. Kit

  3. Oh, so sorry, Chania. Lovely looking doggie.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss Chania. I can only imagine the impact she had on your lives. Take care x

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss of Gracie. I'm sure she will be greatly missed.

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss. Pets are our family. May her memory, and the ones you shared, be kept in your heart forever.

    hugs and prayers and love

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry, Chania :-( Almost 16 is an amazing age for a Lab, and I'm sure you both enjoyed every one of those years that you were together. Our dogs are such big parts of our lives and our hearts.

    Sending a big virtual hug your way...


  8. Oh Chania, I am so sorry for your loss, she sounds like she was a beautiful addition to your family. xx

  9. This is really tough Chania...sending you lots of loving white peacefully Gracie.

  10. So sorry to hear that Chania...I'm sure you have lots of lovely memories of those 16 years...she looks like a real sweetheart.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about Gracie. It's wonderful you had each other for 16 wonderful years - hang onto those memories.

  12. i am so sorry- my heart is breaking for you. i know the agony of losing a well-loved dog. gracie i am sure had a wonderful life with you, and i am sure her memory will always be with you to make you smile.

  13. Rest in peace sweet Gracie. Hugs Chania, it is so hard when you lose a furry family member.

  14. chania, i am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Gracie. i too lost a 17 1/2 year old doggie last year and the pain was almost too much to bear. they are truely members of the family and live everyday to please us. you were lucky to have him for so long, that's really old for a lab...he lived so long because you loved him so much. may you find comfort knowing he is at rest.

  15. Aw she is beautiful, I am so sorry for your loss but it's clear she blessed you with many years full of love!

  16. How incredibly sad when you lose such a good companion...I do love that photograph of Gracie. xx

  17. Very sorry to hear of your loss.

  18. What a beautiful dog!! So sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my German Shepherd/Husky when she was 14 years old back in 1987 and I still miss her.
    It is so sad to lose part of the family.
    So sorry!

  19. Oh Chania, my heart breaks for you and your family. I know Gracie is watching over you and thanking you for giving her such a wonderful life!


  20. I popped over here because I saw your thumbnail for your post on someones blog and I wanted to see what the post had to say about the beautiful dog I saw....being a DAWG lover. Oh my, I am so sorry for your precious doggy having to leave you. What a huge part of our lives they become.
    Please know I am feeling a sadness for you in my heart tonight. Such a lovely creature she was, and what a long and blessed life she had I am sure.
    We believe the quote that... dogs are not our whole lives, but they do make our lives whole! From a dog-loving household....our sympathies.
    I see your other sweet Mooch over on the left. A hug for you tonight from one of your blog sisters who knows....

  21. Gracie looks wise and kind - I know she will be missed.

  22. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that. She was a beautiful dog. I know you will see her again one day. Until then, may you find peace and comfort in your memories of her. Sending healing thoughts and a big hug!~Ames

  23. I am so sorry for your loss Chania, Gracie was beautiful. I know that you've lost an important part of your family and my prayers are with you tonight.

  24. Oh Chania!!!! My heart is aching for you and your family. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your Gracie girl. I wish I could reach through the screen and give you the hugest hug. Thinking of you, lovely lady~ Txx

  25. I'm so very sorry for your loss Chania. What a beautiful girl she was.

  26. Oh Chania, sorry to hear of Gracie's passing. I am sure she will be sadly missed. What a lovely old girl, suiting her name so well.

  27. So sorry to hear of your loss. Nothing is so sad as losing a beloved pet and cherished family member. I have a 15-year old cat and I know every day I have with her now is a gift that I must cherish. I know her day of passing will all too soon come. I share your grief and sadness.

  28. Chania, my most heartfelt condolences. I so feel for you. I have a female yellow lab, Brook and she is getting up there in age, an old girl now and I so can understand the loss.
    Big hugs,

  29. I'm so sorry to hear your tragic news. Gracie looks like such a lovely girl. We lost our Martha 4 years ago and I understand the immense sadness you're feeling. Big hugs to you and hopefully time will take away some of the pain and leave you with the most treasured memories of her. xo

  30. O no, that is so sad.My old dog(Lauderdale)(Dale)is about the same age...I worry about her, she is slowing down...Gracie was a beauty!...I know you will miss her...I will be thinking of you all today.

  31. Chania,
    Peace to you and your family, at this time...

  32. Chania I think that everyone else has commented what I wanted to say too. I'm so sorry you've lost Gracie.

  33. i'm so sorry to hear you lost your lovely lab - but what a wonderful innings she had. I hope all the special memories are a comfort. x

  34. So sorry to have read about your loss...our family pet is reaching 12 this year. That is a beatiful photo of her.

  35. I'm so sorry about your Gracie. She was a beautiful dog.

  36. Awwww Chania - so sorry to hear this. She's a beauty and will, no doubt always remain in your heart.

  37. Chania, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Gracie. What a beautiful girl she was. Hugs to you and all who loved her. Ann

  38. Chania I am so sorry about Gracie. It is so difficult when you lose a pet because they are truly a member of the family. She was beautiful.


  39. We lost Tique about a year ago and it was tough. Still is. But after almost 16 years I'm sure you have so many memories to hold on to.

  40. With tears, dear Chania, I wish you peace and comfort as you grieve for your beautiful Gracie. (She looks so much like my Murphy, who we lost in 1997). Our pets work their way into our hearts, and there is such a void when they leave us. Know that we all know how you feel. Run free, darling Gracie ... your mommy love you.

  41. Was sorry to hear about your sweet Gracie. It's a very hard loss that anyone who has lost their 4-legged family member knows. I wish you peace. They NEVER leave our heart or memories.

  42. Oh Chania I'm so VERY sorry I missed this post....I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes for the loss of Gracie AND for the preoccupation I had with TRIVIAL matters back in November....Please forgive the oversight my Friend....I know this must have been a TERRIBLE time for you....!!

    Gracie was so very LUCKY to have had you as her carer....Her LONGEVITY alone is proof of the WONDERFUL role you played in her life....!!

    Big hugs,
    Tamarah xx


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania