
Monday, November 1, 2010

Project Genesis. Beauty in The Ordinary.

At the risk of pilfering Jacqueline's inspiring blog title and concept (You can see it HERE), my Project Genesis contribution this month is based on what Jacqueline does best on her blog.  She sees Beauty in the Ordinary.  Even her blog header is always a gorgeous inspiring photo of something everyday and ordinary.  But it's all in how you see it.

Looking around my house yesterday, I noticed the window sill in the kitchen.  A few garlic bulbs on display, tomatoes from the garden ripening up inside.  A milk bottle with now-dried roses. A little antique bottle of glass beads.  I have no idea why they are on the window sill. A glass paperweight holding down a little note that came with my beloved dog Moochie's ashes.  I kept it because someone who performs this task, felt it important to include it.  They did something out of the ordinary to make this little card special. And it was to me.

 And then I noticed it.  Beauty in the Ordinary.  The simple things.  Nothing elaborate.  Nothing staged. Nothing bought, imported or contrived.

And I realised that making the world better, saving the planet, being green can start with something so simple.  A focus on finding Beauty in what you have and what is around you. 
And seeing the ordinary as extraordinary.
I glance at this little handwritten note on this printed message card every time I am at the sink.
It makes me smile.  It makes me cry.

It's a good Philosophy. Seek it.  Live it. Share it.  Believe it.

To see the other great contributions to Project Genesis, click Here to visit Suzan at Old Grey Mare


  1. Hi Chania - particularly relevant for me today as our cat died this weekend just gone - he was 15 years old. Very sad but he was pretty old and unwell - anyway absolutely about seeing beauty in the simple every day things. I keep thinking I see him outside in the garden - or in the fields chasing mice, but then have to remember afresh. Nice post...full of meaning. Lou x

  2. Sometimes it's the ordinary things in life that truly are extraordinary! Great post. And I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved Moochie. The loss of a pet is something we feel deeply and always.


  3. The colours in your post are great. It all looks really really good. I don't know if it is the lighting? But the tomatoes, garlic, flowers and hint of green in the little glass thing I am loving...seriously.

  4. Hey I added new pics of my cabinet this morning...

  5. Thanks for 'getting it' Chania.
    You photography, as always, is stunning.

  6. "Simple Gifts" was written by Elder Joseph while he was at the Shaker community in Alfred, Maine in 1848. These are the lyrics to his one-verse song:

    'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
    'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
    And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
    'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
    When true simplicity is gain'd,
    To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
    To turn, turn will be our delight,
    Till by turning, turning we come round right.

    Will we ever get it right, now that we have gone so terribly wrong?

    Thank you friend for this lovely post.



  7. Hi Chania, looking at your window sill reminds me of summer when I was a child we always had tomatoes in the window to ripen.

  8. Your windowsill is charming, Chaina. Roses always age so gracefully, the epitome of faded beauty, and the entire ensemble is unassumingly endearing.

  9. I am happy you found beauty in the ordinary! I
    try to do this, too. I love that you have the note there, to remind you of your precious pet!
    My windsill has dried rose buds, a few green roma
    tomatoes and some tiny knick knacks from RED ROSE tea. Each box of tea comes with a little figurine. I love the sentiment and how tiny touches can make us so happy~

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Yes, it's true. The most beautiful things are the simplest and my favourite days are the ordinary ones. What a gift. This is a beautiful post and a lovely reminder that happiness is where we are already looking. Thank you.

  11. I didn't always 'get' what it meant to take pleasure in the simple things but now I do. What a gift. I love what you saw in the simple.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania