
Friday, January 14, 2011

Itchy Feet

Before we left for Vegas, we had an offer on the cottage. 
 Quite low and including most of the furnishings.
We couldn't settle on a price, so no deal was made.  Part of me was quite relieved.  While I look forward to finding a part time home in Florida and helping Mr. Raz with his plans to expand his business into the US, part of me doesn't want to sell this place.
Which is weird because I love to move.

I started to feel the attachment when they asked for the furniture, (a common request with a cottage), but it made me realise that it won't be easy to let go of all my Bits.  Almost everything has a story, like this wing chair, which was my mums, now wearing a new slip, but dusty pink underneath, or the little cupboard underneath the wall cabinet, that my friend and I found one Spring day after venturing into the most appalling vintage shop we have ever been in. 

But now I have itchy feet.  Bored already with Winter, finished with the home renos, and no Florida scouting trips yet, I feel the need for a change  I have a couple of new clients next week, and that is always exciting, but I am still looking for a bit of a new direction.
I would love to have some livestock.  A cow, chickens, and a donkey called Semolina after my Granny;s donkey(a forever dream of mine).  That would be my "wave the magic wand" wish, but given I live in the suburbs, that just isn't about to happen.

When you feel the need for change, do you take it as a sign to do something new, or slap yourself on the wrist and tell yourself to be be content with all the good things you have?


  1. I research things when I feel the need for change. That way I either come to the conclusion that either I can't afford the change or don't really want it or I do want it but now is not the time.
    I feel for you. It isn't easy to have unsettled feelings. I cried for two months after we sold our last home and built this one. I kept saying to myself "Oh what have I done." But we are settled in now and I made it through the disruptive change. Good luck with your decisions. May they be the right one's for you.~Ames

  2. I think creatives look for and need change. Is there a substitute for you, other than moving? Gratitude for what you have is great, but so is creating something new! It's a bit of a tension isn't it :)

  3. Hi Chania,
    I just wanted to say Happy New Year to you!
    Thank you for all the support you have given me this past year.
    It was this time last year that I met you.
    I hope you are having a great weekend!
    Take Care,

  4. Personally Chania I really DON'T like change....I deal with if & when required but I don't proactively seek it....However, when I do make my mind up to change something....THAT'S IT....NO TURNING back....NO second thoughts....I just plow ahead....Not always with the best results but at LEAST I was the one in the drivers seat....!!

    I'm SURE your cottage will sell to someone who APPRECIATES all the hard work you've put into it....I just KNOW they're waiting to find you....!!

    Enjoy your weekend Lovey....!

    Tamarah :o)

  5. Right now I am living in Europe and will move three times within one year. Even with all of that moving around, I find my self ready to go and itching with excitement each time!

  6. hi chania,
    i just now saw the reveal of your bed/bath and holy cow...what as beautiful difference! you must be so happy walking into the new rooms after all these years of waiting. very pretty!
    when i feel the need for change, i like to rearrange things in the house using what i already have and adding pieces found from nature. i can always find "new" things to explore in my studio, like painting or photography....
    sorry the sale didn't go through,

  7. When I feel the need for change, I start to panic, Raz - I'm a bit Asperger's on that level.

  8. The desire for change on the outside, for me, is a signpost to look at what change I want to make within. What feeling am I looking for, that kind of thing.
    The feeling I get from things is shortlived, but the feeling I feel from within is there forever.
    No slapping allowed though! ;-)

  9. Those itchy feet are your creative spirit speaking to you Chania...(if that's even physically possible!) We need the movers and shakes as well as those who won't budge an inch. Answer the call, see where life leads you.

  10. hang in there. I know how you feel - our attachment to our things is sometimes so strong...donna

  11. I create small change all the time- it is the big changes I long for and they are just not possible right now due to forces beyond my control.. Limbo is my enemy.

    Tucked quietly in my home though, I am always content.


  12. I love change, but also am afraid of it sometimes. I will have a big change ahead of me within the next 2 years and it will be exciting and terrifying. But that's how I know I'm alive! Ann

  13. Anyone would be foolish not to want the furnishings included with the cottage. You have done a marvelous job in making it so lovely. Of course, like you said, the flip side of all that loveliness is not wanting to let go.

  14. I do both things. Being content and giving thanks for what I have keeps me from becoming ungrateful and realizing how blessed I am. But I also try to search my heart as to whether this is a new chapter in my life waiting to open. Usually only time tells the whole story.

  15. I would definitely not like to sell my bits either. Not at all. I had to laugh at the live stock sentence. It was a little random..but not because I follow you here. I am with Tom, I do not do change well, closing on a house sends me into nervous fits and makes me wish for Valium. I hope you get a new venture of some sort soon.

  16. On the top of our list, should we win the lottery is a cottage. Fingers crossed we can have yours. I would want everything in there, but I certainly understand not wanting to part with all your pieces.

  17. I have had so many times of itchy feet I don't think I have feet left..I scratched them all off.

    Your new bedroom is fabulous! The bedding absolutey everything. I cannot say enought about it.

  18. I think I go along with Jaqueline's comment, Chania! I can understand too, how the little bits and pieces in your cottage would feel so hard to part with. They have your life woven through them!

  19. Oh honey, I am so relating to this !
    I have been browsing real estate websites for months. I am up to my ears in Hot Argentine weather and bored.
    We have moved a lot in the past few years and I think once you get used to it, you start to enjoy it.
    It is not enough to just visit somewhere, it is more fun to move there ... for a while at least :)
    When we sold our first home, a lady offered us full asking price, but she wanted too many of MY things to go with it.
    We did fine with the sale, to someone else and I hung on to my "bits" too :)
    The right one will come along, you will feel ready then.

  20. I can totally relate!! I've moved about 18 times in my life so I'm not known to sit still for long. I find it exciting, and it gets my creativity going each time - just thinking about house hunting makes my heart race with delight! Luckily my guy's job moves us around and we are again looking at another relo from his current work assignment in Ireland to a new market within a few months so just apartment hunting overseas will scratch my itch.

    Our Muskoka place is the place we have owned the longest - most other homes have been for about a year at a time - and I have become so attached to it, much the way you feel about your cottage (and our intent is to keep it as we bop around with his job). The bits I've collected all have a story as well - I can't imagine including any of it if we had to sell. That's what makes our homes OUR HOMES, they're not just showrooms of stuff easily replaced, they have heart and soul and parting with that just isn't easily done. :)

  21. Chania, I usually go with my feelings and find ways to make my dreams come true/ work a step at a time if neccessary!

    Be sure to come and enter my Giveaway from Blydesign......


    Art by Karena

  22. I wish you luck and peace with the sale! It's really hard letting go. Sometimes much harder than you ever expected. Have a great week!

  23. I'm still challenged to get to the bottom of my need for change. Is it because of feeling lack in the now and thinking different circumstances might fill that up, or is it a truly heart felt thing coming from peace? Seems to be a fine line in my life!


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania