
Friday, February 4, 2011

Does Anyone Wish to Continue the Friday Photo Challenge?

I am wondering if anyone is interested in continuing with the Friday Photo Challenge that we were doing last year.  Each week we pick a theme and then you guys take a photo that relates and post it on your site connecting with a Linky from my blog.

McLinky is going to be charging an annual fee of $24.00.  I am happy to pay this, but only if I feel it would be used. 

Would anyone like to participate?  We have had some wonderful takes on the theme.


  1. Although I didn't take part often I would love it if it continued! I've thought of it often lately, I really enjoyed viewing all the entries!

  2. I would love to keep doing the photo challenges! They were really fun! I noticed there's some other types of Linky's out there too. Maybe they don't all charge?

  3. Chania, I didn't know they charged for MrLinky?
    course I'm a newbie too...maybe you can look into cheaper or no charge linkies...
    I enjoy your blog,..and I do enjoy lots of different linky parties.

  4. I'd love to Raz...if you don't mind paying the freight. Made me think with my eyes in a whole new way.

  5. I love seeing everyone's links! Since I'm overseas now for a while, I don't know if I'll have anything to link with... I didn't realize that there was an annual fee.

  6. Chania, I really enjoyed the Friday Photo Challenge too. I don't like the thought of McLinky charging you cash though. Like Jo commented - does anybody do a cheaper version or even a freebie? But I suppose like everything else in today's climate McLinky has to survive too.

  7. I love this idea. It's always fascinating to see the same subject interpreted by different people and what they come up with. Some easy creative fun. I think you should do it!

  8. Yes! I would be happy to chip in for the McLinky too! I really enjoyed being a part of and reading and viewing other's contributions. THanks Chania! Ann

  9. I never took part last year but always wanted to. I'd be very happy to see you do it again :)

  10. I only took part a couple of times, but enjoyed them when I did it. I often thought I would participate in some of the other challenges, but usually life got in the way so I couldn't get a post done in time. I wonder if there are cheaper alternatives - I've never used a McLinky before.

  11. I'm a newbie who needs to pick up her camera again...have no idea what Mr. McLinky is, but I guess I will learn as I go...
    thanks for doing this for us Chania

  12. Yes, definitely! And I would love to help with the fee too. You could put up a pay pal link and if we want to contribute we could. I love the challenges and tho mine are sometimes a bit of a stretch (LOL), I love looking at everyone else's. Kit


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania