
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Colour is Your Day?

When I was in Grade School, I had a teacher who would look over the class or out over the playground and announce "It's a Blue Day today" or "It's definitely a Red Day today".  How he explained that is, on certain days, a colour stands out more from all the other colours.  It could be more kids were wearing red once day, but more likely, it was the light, the cloud coverage, the time of day. 
Yesterday was a Blue Day.  Turquoise Blue and Tiffany Blue and all the vibrant sea glass shades, seemed to be prominent.  Maybe it was the sunshine after days of grey.

That un-mistakable blue of the Ball canning jar................................................

A sea glass bead made in Ghana captures the light where it hangs from the chandelier.....................

The pretty blue on this Rosary was so vibrant in the sunshine.  A gift from Barbados, I keep this in my bathroom hanging by the window as it captures the sunshine and sends it dashing around the room.

And all around the house, amidst my clutter, the blue shone through. 

Do you ever notice that in your house or outside?. When one colour pops for you. You suddenly notice the pinks more, or the greens.?


  1. Lately I can relate to this. I have been having a lot of orange days lately and I used to be very put off by orange. I catch myself loving it!

  2. For me it's always blue. I gravitate toward blue everywhere I go.

  3. I love blue - all shades of it. There's something about it.

  4. My day is grey with a smattering of sunshine peeking through.
    Spring is such a tease.


  5. Blue,Blue,Blue,YES!,beautiful blue sky's,so bright and cheerful, we are having a blustery blue, clear day.
    We are blessed!

  6. What a facinating teacher!
    today is a blue day here.

  7. I can always find a spot for some Tiffany blue :)


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