
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Don't Buy Gift Wrap-Project Genesis

I don't buy gift wrap-ever.  I don't care if I was gifting Will and Kate, I'd wrap them a little something in a cotton tea towel and tie it up with some garden twine.  A few years ago, I decided I would never again buy wrap or ribbon for gifting.  And I haven't needed to.  I read the newspaper daily, so I have plenty to use, plus it seems half the world likes to spend good money on throwaway paper, bags and ribbons, so I just hoard what is gifted to me.  This blue box is full of ribbons that people have put on gifts to me and my family or have come with the packaging of an item. 

I have a shelf full of gifts bags, wine bags and boxes and salvageable wrap that I stash after every occasion.

And you know those little ribbons that you cut off your dresses and shirts (on the shoulders to keep them on the hangers), I snip them off and use them for gift tags and for tying on jars of jam. I also use brown paper carriers, cutting them open and using the back side for packages, cotton bags from shops, tea towels (new and vintage), Mason jars (perfect for candies and cookies) pretty boxes that come with gifts such as soap or jewelry, and I even save the ribbons from a low fat banana bread that I buy that comes tied up with a ribbon.  I would estimate I save $30-40 per year buy not buying it.  And the thing is, I always have a huge stash on hand, so it isn't a compromise at all.

I am linking to Suzan at OLD GREY MARE today to discuss and think about things we can change in this complicated and compromised world. Check out Project Genesis 


  1. I do the same thing! It may seem small but everyone did this...imagine the difference it would make. And I bet you save way more than $30-40 a year!
    I also use fabric leftovers, pretty jars that I clean out, flower pots, rip fabric into strips for's all creative and unique and I love that. it also saves heaps from going into landfills, which I love even more.
    Great ideas!

  2. Brilliant Chania. I try to reuse as much as possible, but you have given me new ideas. Thanks for the tips!

  3. Chania,I love to re-use,re-purpose everything it's so much fun!
    goin to ck out project genesis

  4. I'm like Ginger. I save and reuse all the time but sometimes I buy tissue paper!

  5. I love it!...I have a drawer with little pieces of ribbon..or big pieces!...and a bag full of bags!

  6. WOOT! Yes, another grand plan for us all.

    We all need to return to the waste not want not generation. We failed to learn the lessons from our elders.

    Thank you for this reminder <3


  7. You are quite right of course, Chania. You could gift wrap something in newspaper and it would look gorgeous. I gift wrap it and it looks like last week's fish and chips. A few tips would be great!

  8. Good for you, Chania. We are encouraged by retailers towards so much thoughtless consumerism. It's a relief to see someone who has stopped to ask herself whether she needs everything that is on offer.

  9. Gifts? Only at christmas really and then of course I am a BAD consumer.

    Good idea chania....I could make a joke here, like say using beach towels for those bigger presents....which is a funny and yet good idea for those summer birthdays!

  10. This is such a great idea Chania! I also keep all of the bags and ribbons that are gifted to me so that I can recycle them for someone else! And I often use tea towels to wrap presents, it's earth friendly and useful!

    Kat :)

  11. You are terribly wise Chania. I never wrap but I also do not gift much me awful. It is absurd what the charge is for all that wrapping anyway and reuse and re-purpose is a fab idea.

  12. Morning Chania....!

    Oh YES....I never EVER buy gift wrapping packaging A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G....I have a big old plastic box I keep under our bed with all manner of the 'above' either thrifted or found in the Hard Rubbish....You'd be amazed what our consumerist society here in Melbourne throws away just after Christmas....And here's me thinkin', "What....You're NOT gonna buy Christmas presents & need wrapping next year you lazy BUGGER....?"

    SERIOUSLY Chania....What is goin' on in peoples heads....?????

    Go Project Genesis....!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your week Lovey....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  13. You've inspired me with this one! I've been trying to slow down on the paper purchases too....this post was perfectly timed!

  14. Hooray! I tried to urge people around Christmas time to NOT buy wrapping paper, as the greater percentage of it is not recyclable, but it didn't go over too well on Facebook. All I heard in reply was the chirp chirp of crickets...

  15. I always saved ribbons, bows,bags and even tissue paper. And I have also wrapped gifts in old wall paper that is sold without glue on it. I've even used brown paper bags. I am a wrapping regifter too!~Ames

  16. I am so with you on this one! I have dozens and dozens of gift bags that were given to me that I use. Ever since I found out that you can't recycle wrapping paper, I haven't bought any.

  17. I totally agree with you. Plus it adds *personality* as well as helping the planet!
    I am way behind reading blogs! Miss reading yours!

    happy day!


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania