
Monday, March 7, 2011

On the Ground in Cuba...

My Niece Becky is only 19, but is already one of those travellers who throws herself thick into the culture and daily grind of wherever she goes.  She travelled to India for 3 months when she was 17 before Uni.  When I travel, I always want to dig right in, eat street food, stay locally and aclimatize to where I am, but I am also gutless, timid and definitley not adventurous.  I usually end up in a resort, taking excursions to local haunts, but returning to the protection and "Americanization" oor "Canadianization" of the resort.  In reality, most resorts would be anywhere in the world.  They are all quite similar, and offer very little flavour of the actual country you are staying in.  My brother is one of those Adventure Travellers, sleeping in tents and hiring guides to show him the Real Thing.  Thus, Becky got her travel legs early.  It's a confidence thing really.  She's a confident and gutsy traveller and street wise.  I envy that.

Becky spend reading week in Cuba.  She and 2 friends rented a room in Havana.  She took some great photo's which I pilfered from her Facebook.  I thought you may like to have an inside peak at Cuba.  One of the first things you notice in Cuba are the old cars.....everywhere... The climate is kind to vehicles, so many have lasted beautifully.....

Cafe in the square.......I did notice when I was there how many stray dogs there were......................

The striking and aged architecture..........

Street Food.

Portuguese Man of War....You don't want to be stung by this guy.

Che Love. Guevara remains both a revered and reviled historical figure

The rooming house where she stayed.  This looks charming, but Becky's account of it was horrific...filthy room, bugs, bad toilet......

I love this shot....the colourful stucco, old car, laundry hanging outside...

No more American dollars.....Cuba takes Cuban dollars only now.

I hope you enjoyed a street look at Havana....thanks Becky......


  1. The che love is a little disturbing. He was a mass murderer. Not my kind of a vacation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Che photos are notintended to offend, merely to illustrate the climate in Cuba. They do not in any way reflect my political views.
    Guevara remains both a revered and reviled historical figure. It would be an inaccurate portrayal of Cuba, not to include the prevalance of his image.

    I have removed a few of the Che images in order not to offend.

  4. Wow, love all the color~ Thanks for sharing!

  5. Gorgeous photos. I love all the old cars in good shape. You're right she does have travel gumption.

  6. Beautiful! It is my hope that it will be opened up as the traveler's destination it deserves. We Yanks have to go thru many twists and turns to make it there, I'm told. Great pics. She has inherited your photo sense. Ann

  7. Wonderful photos !
    So many similarities .. Buenos Aires has many old cars and the architecture and they like Che here too :)
    My husband was in Cuba, back when it was the place everyone went to for night clubbing and partying. I would like to see it too. Faded old beautiful city.
    I hope your niece holds on to that gumption and keeps traveling to the less well worn tourist spots.
    That Man 'O War .. beautiful.

  8. LOVE the cars and LOVE the colors!
    My 12 yr old says "forget college, I want to travel the world".

    happy day!

  9. wow, great colorful and gritty images...just the way i like it. love the vintage cars! my hubby tells me, we can not travel to cuba from the u.s. perhaps some day, we will be on friendlier terms with this country.

  10. I love getting immersed in the culture when I am traveling. It is always a goal of my husband and I to try really really hard not to look like tourists. Don't constantly have your camera pulled out...not stumbling over a map in the street...not sticking to just the tourist locations. So much more interesting that way!

  11. Great pictures - I love the colourful Caribbean. Thanks for sharing and bringing a bit of colour to this drab winter's day!

  12. I'd love to re-visit Havana, for all (and more) the reason in your photos, Raz. It's a wonderful place. If you go there (they let in Canadians, and all the Americans who visit usually go via Canada!), don't stay in Varadero - it's like a high-quality Butlins.

  13. really enjoyable photos Chania. I've NEVER been that adventurous!

  14. some beautiful an american i cannot go to cuba, but i have heard that havanna is a traveler's mecca.

    thanks for sharing.


    stuff and nonsense

  15. Those pictures are amazing! I am full of admiration for your niece, Chania.

  16. One of my dearest, dearest friends was born in Cuba...she left after Castro took over and sadly (as an American) has never been back. She gathers often with her Cuban friends in Miami. I'm going to send her this post, I think it will thrill her heart! thanks Chania.

  17. Chania these pics Becky took are BRILLIANT....I WISH my holiday pics were as STRIKING....Please tell her THANKS from me....

    Now....HOW do I get to Cuba....??

    Hope you're having a WONDERFUL week Love....!

    Tamarah xx


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania