
Friday, April 8, 2011

Pay It Forward...Thank You Erin!

In the world of blogging there has been something new happening.  The Pay it Forward Giveaway.  No selling or promoting, no need to Facebook, blog, follow, Twitter, tell 3 friends etc.  I was reading the blog of Artist and Gardener Erin of Erin Art and Gardens blog.  She announced that she would be giving away a handmade by her, gift to the first five commenter's on the post.  In turn, they should make something and Pay It Forward to 5 others to keep the goodwill going.

Of course, I flew down to the comment box and secured myself a ranking in the lucky 5 batch.  And today it arrived.  Here's what I was lucky enough to receive.

Bundled in an old dressmakers pattern as tissue were 3 little bowls made from vintage doilies.  The pink one is my absolute favourite.  Plus they were filled with chocolate eggs which I have been scarfing down as I prepare this post....

I think they look sweet with my vintage peeps that I carefully bring out every Easter.  Erin also included several of her gorgeous daffodil photographs.  I am going to frame one and re-gift (pay it forward) to my mama to brighten her room.  She loves daffodils as much as I do.

And wrapped in tissue was a perfectly pressed daffodil, which reminded me so much of my lovely Granny as we used to press clover and primroses together.

Thank you Erin for the lovely gifts from your generous giving heart.  And make sure you watch the blogs because you could happen on another pay it forward at any time........................................... 


  1. You did a beautiful job of presenting Erin's lovelies! By the time I got to the photographs for my post all my chocolate had magically disappeared...and I had instantly arranged all the daffies on my keepsake bulletin board. I must remember to keep my camera handy...bad Suzan...

    Wasn't PIF fun? I thoroughly enjoyed it...

    have a great weekend girlfriend.


  2. What a lovely gift and wonderful memory. I bought a book last year about pressing flowers and swear one of these days I am going to try my hand at it. Maybe you could give us some tips???

  3. you are so very welcome, my dear!! it was such a fun and fulfilling giveaway, indeedy. how absotootly fun for me, to see my handmade goodies, on your blog, coming from way up there in canada!! i am thrilled that you will be sharing one of my photos with your mum, too. this bloggy world has provided us with so many gifts......friendly relations being the best part!!
    thanks friend,

  4. What an absolutely gorgeous bundle of goodies, Chania! The doilie baskets are just the sweetest and Erin's photographs are gorgeous! Enjoy! Wishing you a wonderful weekend, lovely ~ xx

  5. What a treasure of spring that arrived for you! Spring goodness!
    xo Cathy -- your newest follower!

  6. Hi Chania - I too have been the lucky recipient of a give it forward as you know! The little gifts arrived and I was so touched - they are so...'you'! I love them. Thank you so much. Lou x

  7. How wonderful and it reminded you of precious memories~ I am going to do this next month for my
    blog anniversary!

  8. Oh Chania isn't Erin a SWEETHEART....What a FABULOUS way to share the bloglove....!!

    CONGRATULATIONS on your LOVELY Treasures....!!!

    Tamarah :o)


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania