
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vote for Krista

I am asking for a very quick minute to vote to help a fellow blogger win a new closet system makeover.  If you could click HERE to vote, Krista from HOPELESS CHEST would very much appreciate it.  She is a young gal starting out and is moving into a new place and would love a change to win.  So I am asking you for a kindness in helping her out.  THANK YOU>


  1. Done! And since I would look horrible in any of those pieces, I won't run against Krista.
    Your Friend, m.
    p.s. I'm #41

  2. Hope she gets it!

  3. Done! (Mapleview Mall is my new fav spot as it's halfway between Toronto and NOTL and a great place to meet up with girlfriends in the City). Good luck to Krista.

    Just read over at Tally's blog (thanks for checking it out btw), that it was your birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday!

  4. I've clicked as well. Actually, I love that outfit. I seem to live in trousers though and would love a floaty feminine dress and make up and heels and jewellery. Happy birthday for yesterday from me too!

  5. I say a happy belated birthday too, hope it turns into a 'birthweek.'


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania