
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friday Photo Challenge - Bird.

I am without a camera this week, so I had to pilfer my files for a bird photo.  I shot this little guy last year at the cottage (camera shot).  I think most people find sea gulls to be noisy, messy and all around just not so cute. 

I kinda liked this sweet fella.  He had a bad leg.  You can see in the first photo that he had a bum knee.

I am going to give the Friday Photo Challenge a bit of a break.  Please add your link below.


  1. I wonder what happened to him? He did look sad...

  2. WOW you are becoming a prolific photographer!

  3. Wonderful photography, I linked up then realized your topic was birds, tried to delete it, so sorry.
    xo Debra

  4. Oh I like seagulls! We have a few random ones around town, and they remind me of the coast. :) Bummer about no photo challenges for awhile

  5. Really like the first photo! You did it very well, but then all your photo's are good.

    Certain we'll still see a few wedding photo?

  6. Yup, I'll miss photo challenge, too. I'm strangely addicted to them though I've never participated. Love the randomness of the topics. Enjoyed seeing this little guy through your eyes.

  7. Without a camera? What gives? I couldn't handle that. m.

  8. He does look a little bit sad. Perhaps his knee hurts! Brilliant pictures though, Chania.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania