
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Drama.......with a dose of humour.

An emotional weekend saying farewell to the cottage ended with a double whammy with both of my in-laws ending up in hospital after one broke a hip and the other had a stroke (mild thankfully).  Which is worrying as they may just be reaching the point of not being able to take care of themselves any more. 

We arrived at the cottage to many tales of the recent drama (read it HERE) of a boat exploding in the harbour after taking on 1300 liters of fuel.  The owner, a camera man for the Discovery Channel apparently lost everything in the fire, but miraculously was relatively unharmed.  Our cottage and several neighbors were evacuated, however we were fortunate not to be there and forced to camp at the local arena.

Laughter is good in times of stress and when I arrived at the hospital, my FIL was still waiting for an ambulance transfer to a larger city hospital for surgery and was more than a little miffed that someone else had got the ambulance intended for him.  In an unimaginable sequence of events, the ambulance intended for FIL, was given to MIL to be transported for an urgent CT scan.  FIL is in the dark about MIL to avoid further duress.  MIL is at home again and laughing about "stealing" his ambulance, which should make for a good family story once everyone has recovered.

When events such as these happen, it is wonderful to watch the troops rally with aid and support.  At the marina, it was the local hotel and neighbors that housed and fed the now homeless young man from the boat, and volunteer firefighters who worked tirelessly to contain the fire and lessen the damage of the spill, and with the In Laws, the family gathered, supported and fed each other, and kept a line of communication open with text and phone calls to other family members who couldn't be there.  


  1. Oh my gracious! I'm glad everyone is doing okay.

  2. Hi Chania,
    Oh my goodness, it sounds like you were on the set of a movie. Hope your MIL and FIL are doing much better. I'm back trying to blog again after being not well for several months. Hope you stop and visit as I always enjoy hearing from you.

  3. See, you can depend on people. I like that! m.

  4. Glad that everyone is 'relatively' okay.
    I was handed a leaflet from a Jehovah's Witness today touting a conference to be held in Toronto next week. It said something like IS MAN THE REASON FOR THE EARTH'S DOWNFALL?...or some such rubbish. I'm sick and tired of human beings being expressed as the worst of the worst...your post is a timely balance (for me) that WE ARE GOOD.

  5. Glad everyone is okay - your life is certainly not a dull one. Yikes. But how funny that MIL took FIL's ambulance! (good for her)

  6. Is it terrible that I'm kind of smiling? You've worded it all wonderfully! When things like this happen all at once, you do have to smile. Sounds like you're doing just that Chania. Happy to hear everyone is alright, considering. Have a safe day! ;)

  7. What a weekend! Hope all is calming down now and your in-laws are recovering nicely.
    Lots of good healing energy is being sent their way.

  8. Glad everything is okay with

  9. Oh my, I'm glad everyone is on the mend! What a weekend! I hope you are kicking back and relaxing a little this week! And that's terrible about the fire. I would be devastated if I lost everything that way, but at least he was ok.


  10. Oh my goodness!

    Thankful everyone is, or will be, OK. :D

  11. Oh what dramas! At least it turned out ok. That poor man on the boat. It would be terrible to lose everything.

  12. Wow glad everyone is ok maybe this weekend you can rest a lil.

  13. Goodness, Chania! Many good wishes to you and yours amid all the action. You deserve some calm!

  14. My God, what a story. Best wishes for the in-laws recoveries and for a bit of rest for you.

    xo Jane

  15. Oh my goodness. You have a good sense of humor, because I think the whole thing sounds rather traumatic! Hope it all works out ok. Glad to hear everyone pulled together. That is what family and friends are for. Take care of yourself and best wishes to your family and the poor boatless guy.

  16. Hello:
    This all sounds to be absolutely dreadful and, we imagine, a great shock to so many people. WE very hope that life for everyone is now beginning to return to some kind of normality.

    Thank you so much, Chania, for the comment which you left on our recent post and to which we have replied. We hope that we have now Followed you.

  17. I've just spent a while reading your blog after stumbling across it and I'm so glad I did. It's an amazing blog and of course, I always love to add another Canadian to my list:)

  18. That is full of drama and hopefully the in-laws will have tales to tell(and laugh about) soon. So glad when neighbors take care of each other.

  19. Chania - I'm so glad that no-one was badly injured in the fire. The story of your FIL and MIL reminds me of a comedy programme we used to watch - 'In Sickness and in Health' - starring Warren Beatty and Dandy Nichols. It was so funny!

  20. Oh dear. Thoughts and prayers with your and your fam, as well as the young man who lost the boat.

  21. Oh my gosh! What a strange chain of events! I'm glad everyone is doing ok and I love to see people step up and help out when someone is in need xo


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania