
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girly Bits

I am figuring out the packing thing for the weekend as we close on the cottage next week.  I had to make a list of the things the buyer has purchased with the cottage, and to assist in this task I went through my photos to remember all that I had there.  While I am leaving some of my dishes, I have excluded the vintage ones such as the ones above.  I have a thing for roses on dishes.  Good thing the Raz Man goes along with my girly collections.


  1. Absolutely, much too nice to leave behind - a beautiful varied collection.

  2. Oohh, I wouldn't want to leave those behind either! Lx

  3. What a beautiful collection! I used to collect dishes and platters with roses on them too. I may not collect them anymore, but I sure would not want to give up the ones I do have.

    ~ Tracy

  4. Love your

  5. Your girly bits are beautiful. I think the guys in our life put up with our girly collections because A. they know how happy these collections make us, B. too much trouble to voice opposition, or C. they secretly love these collections, too!

  6. Im lovin rose plates as well.I just picked up a few while visitin Texas GW dont you love the different prints they come in?!


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