
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Is there anything more delightful than finding a birds nest?.  Reaching up to have a peek and spotting a flash of blue or white or brown speckles.
I was trimming the roses on the arbor on Sunday and discovered a mama robin had made her nest right beside the gate. Hidden in the clematis.
 I peeked inside and there was one egg.
 Monday there were two..................................
 And this morning I stood on a chair in my pajamas and saw there were three.
 The sheer beauty of nature................delighted me.


  1. Robin's eggs are one of the loveliest things ever. Lucky you to find a nest.

  2. We too have a robin's nest up in our rose bushes that climb the trellis over our garage. I was so startled to spot it and then realize that Mama Robin was in the nest at the time I first saw it. I check on her daily. Can't wait for those little babies to hatch! :)

  3. Aren't they the most spectacular color ever!!

  4. It's the highlight of my life when I find a nest! I could sit and watch baby birds all day ~ Enjoy them!

  5. Just the right amount of color.


  6. Those Robins and their pretty eggs. Pure show-offs!
    Your Friend, m.

  7. We have a nest in our apple tree, the eggs have hatched and the babies are loud! Do you ever wonder why these eggs are so brilliantly bright blue when most things in the wild are camouflaged?

  8. I have said it before, I will say it many times more.
    Oh, how I miss robins...

  9. How adorable! Those are some gorgeous blue eggs :)

  10. Beautiful! I love robin's egg blue. It's such a vibrant colour.
    We had robins build nests in our backyard for a few years running. I remember one little bird either fell out of the nest or tried to fly and fell on the ground. The mama bird was in the tree, talking and talking to it, trying to get it to fly back to the nest. It was fascinating to watch. Mothers are the same no matter what species!

  11. I think robin's egg blue is one of the prettiest colours :-) I hope all three eggs hatch and the little robin's are healthy and safe in their nest behind the clematis :-) Keep us posted!

  12. What an amazing blue !
    Where is your new nest going to be ?

  13. Wonderful Chania...does mama robin dive bomb your head every time you get near the nest!!


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