
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Birthday Boy

My boy is 26 today.  About to marry his Love in a couple of months.  We joke in our family that he was born an old soul.  He's always been fiercely independent and mature beyond his years.  In Grade 1, we went o parent teacher night to discover all the kids sat in groups except ours.  He had his own desk.  Teacher said because he was Student of the Month, he got to pick where he sat.  He told her he liked to sit on his own.  He's a lone wolf this boy.Following his own path  But his flip side is that he's hugely social. His days are so full with work, the gym, visiting grandparents, hockey, golf, travel and good friends, he barely sits still.  And he's got his Love who he puts ahead of anything.  He's a tower of strength this one.  Forget the glass is always half full attitude to life.....his is always overflowing.  He's smart, frugal, careful, hardworking, and when he puts his mind to something anything is possible.  This year, he demolished his kitchen and installed a brand new one all on his own. He's Treasurer on his condo board.  If he gets cash for a gift, he throws it in an investment account.  Because being secure and careful and planning for his future is more important to him than buying new STUFF. One day he wants to teach high school and collage kids how to manage money.  I thinks that's a life skill that's gone by the wayside.  If he has one trait that carries him always.  I would say that is Confidence.  Which make me so proud and happy because that has been the one thing most lacking in my life. LOVE you Boy.  Happy Birthday.  Sorry your cake didn't make it to Montreal.  It was so delicious.


  1. I have a 24-year-old son who also was born with an 'old soul'. He is a wonderful young man, as it sounds like your son is also.
    Happy Birthday to your son! Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  2. happy birthday to your son!! he sounds like a wonderful young man and handsome to boot. i have a 26 year old son too!! i guess we both had our kiddos when we were in grade school?? i can't be old enough to have a 26 and a 29 year old? sheesh. where does the time go?

  3. Happy Birthday to your son! He sounds like an amazing, wonderful young man. And even if you don't think the confidence came from you, a lot of who is today is because of what he learned from you.

  4. "You must have done something good"...congrats to him (and you!)

  5. Happy Birthday wishes from me too! It is delightful to read about young people on the right path making this world a better place. Our futures depend on them.

    I know as a mama it is a mixed bag of pride in the man and longing for the little boy for just a little while longer . It all goes by so very, very fast.


  6. Happy Birthday to your wonderful son, you must be very proud!!!

    Kat :)

  7. You've raised an amazing guy - you should feel so proud (and his gal is very lucky indeed!)

  8. He gives you many reasons to be proud! Happy Birthday to your wonderful son! Nothing wrong with having an old soul:)

  9. Happy birthday to your son! Mine is also 26 and about a month away from his wedding. I can feel your pride and love come through in this post. He is a wonderful reflection of his childhood. Ann

  10. Happy Birthday! Gosh, he sounds like he has his head screwed on really well. You must be so proud of him :)

  11. Chania it sounds like you & Mr Raz have done a REMARKABLE job raising this WONDERFUL young man....I'd LOVE to meet him & his lucky lady one day....But in the mean time....Please wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Down Under....!!!

    Cheers for now Lovey,
    Tamarah xx

  12. Sorry that I'm a day late on this but I did want to wish your boy a Happy Birthday. 26, huh? So you had him when you were 14? I'm sure that you were very mature too.
    Your Friend, m.


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