
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lurking.....and what I love about Florida

I found this bad boy lurking in the garden in Florida....

A different season than last time we were here....much more temperate and enjoyable to be outside....We have an enormous cactus that is growing weird tufty things.

The neighbors Hibiscus is in full bloom....reminds me of my old boss who used to graft his own hibiscus and would occasionally bring me one of his prized a test tube carried on his bike to work.  (he was a bit of a nerd, but a brilliant surgeon)
Sadly he died young.

I don't like Bird of Paradise in a vase, but love it in a garden. ....very majestic looking.

Loving the purse wine wine bottles available in Florida............Personal or Convenience size......


  1. Keep that little Gnome right where he is. It's good luck!

  2. Purse size wine! and here I've been carrying around a 14' x 16" sack for that very reason - hope they are available in Canada soon.

    I hope that's a bat...... :>)

  3. That's an air plant on your cactus Chania. They are everywhere and are a cousin to the Spanish Moss which is a cousin to bromeliads. Sounds like I know what I'm talking about... You will have some good weather coming up within the week. Enjoy fall FL style. Ann

  4. ooo mum can you bring me some of those cute little bottles.

  5. Gnomey looks as if he's not going to take any nonsense from anybody :0)
    I love the plant pictures - the hibiscus is gorgeous.

  6. Could that be travelin'-Mac?
    Be careful of those bottles know what they say about people who drink half-pints!
    Yes..Florida is now moving into it's best of evenings and mornings, lovely low-humidity-sunny days...enjoy!

  7. We have those "aire plants" here in Buenos Aires .. I love them .. they grow on any tree or plant.
    Naughty Gnomes, who knew ?
    I do like that bag .. when we lived there, we just had paper bags :)

  8. Does the gnome have a watering can in his hand? I had a hibiscus just like that (adore them) and our visiting family of deer ate every single bloom. You will be able to grow so many lovely plants there. I would love that about Florida.

  9. tom would have a field day with that little man!

  10. Purse sized wine. Who'd a thunk it???

  11. Dearest Chania,

    Just found you tonight and I love what you are doing and you also love ROSES... Hah, that works addictive doesn't it?
    Florida probably had a problem with the extreme heat + drought, like we had here in Georgia, so things are not looking its best.
    Love to you,


  12. You are a hoot. Start me off with the garden tour, beautiful flowers, then bam! End on a little purse sized bottle of wine. Ha Ha.

  13. that little wine bottle cracks me up :)

  14. Gorgeous Home Chania! If you weren't an interior designer I'd beg you to be a part of my Real Life Home series :) Your spaces are gorgeous!

    Also, you'll need to be making a trip to SLC won!

  15. At first I thought that little tufty thing on the cactus was a creature of some sort. Ick. Purse-size wine...hmmm.

  16. Finding that gnome must have been so fun!
    I love Hibiscus, they always remind me of warm, hazy days and sunshine...beautiful photo Chania.

  17. Gorgeous flowers you've got around you! And i always love a little wine ; )

  18. The purse size wine is cute, but I'm really admiring the purse, Roots village bag? I still mean to buy myself one.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania