
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Festive Dining Room

Slip covered chairs, pine table, a faux grain sack runner.

As I mentioned in my last post, we are away this Christmas and have to make it up to my sweet Mamma who lives in a nursing home (no worries, she'll be at my sisters).  For the Sundays preceding Christmas I have decided to make Sunday Supper as festive as possible.  Tonight I have set the table with a faux grain sack runner made from 3 yards of tea towel fabric bought at my local sewing store.  Already hemmed on the long sides, it needs nothing done to it, just pull the threads on the end and presto....a non vintage, cheap alternative to a big fad in decorating.

Since I purchased this really long table this year, the 2 end chairs don't fit at the ends (yes, I am a decorator and make mistakes.  You should hire me to do that with your money).  I love these chairs and put them at the one side.  Who says all sides have to match.  Not so, say I.

Someone sent me some lovely Christmas flowers yesterday, so they are the dining room centerpiece today.I'm using white plates from Pier 1 20 years ago and they still look great.  A wrapped leather napkin ring and odd bits of vintage silverware..

The silver antler candlestick are my favourite things.  I could have sold those a dozen times.  If they disappear I know who has them. The number Burleigh bowls are for veggies. 

My son's grade 1 craft project.  Rudolf is down to three legs but managing well. Unlike Vixen below, now 20 years old, made my my daughter, who relies on the salt and pepper for support.

It's a simple table, bits of colour and a few sentimental bits.  We're having homemade Mac and Cheese and Cherry Pie with ice cream. It all has to be homemade when you usually eat in a nursing home.

Heart for my Mamma....

Below you can see the view from dining to living room. Wishing you all a cozy Sunday Night.

Linking to the Lettered Cottage Table Scape Party Here


  1. Cozy indeed in your gorgeous home, Chania. I'm sure your mom will love the home made meal and company.

  2. So, so pretty! And I love that you incorporate heirloom pieces made by your children, I do the same thing. It just wouldn't be Christmas without those memorable touches!

    Kat :)

  3. It's gorgeous! Love that long farmhouse table. And who says things have to match? Why, that would be rather boring to me if it did.

  4. A beautiful room, I love your table and it is decorated so beautifully. Mimi xx

  5. Everything Looks so lovely, especially the pie! When you showed that tea towel runner before I rushed to my local fabric store but they didn't have anything like that. I love it and the reindeer. Have a great evening.

  6. It's SO pretty ... I love everything about it. I especially love that it's so simple and the reindeer made by your children, are the best. I can imagine Sunday dinners here are especially cozy.
    Have a wonderful evening!

  7. simply beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! love the reindeer, how sweet.

  8. Beautiful, cozy and simple. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Love the idea for the faux grainsack runner. That's really smart. Your table is lovely and I'm all for something that isn't matchy-matchy.

  10. Looks so wonderful! And especially the deer. Such a great touch. Kit

  11. I love your idea for festive Sunday dinners in December. I'm sure your mom will enjoy herself every week she's at your lovely home for dinner :-)

    The little homemade reindeer are so sweet, and great way to make an inexpensive, no-sew runner for your table. Which, by the way, looks just fine with different chairs on each side :-)

  12. The rooms look so lovely Chania. And I especially love the two wing back chairs on one side of the dining table. Love, love, love the antler candle stick and of course the reindeers are priceless! Happy dining!

  13. It is wonderful and comfortable and it cheers me a bit that you, a decorator makes mistakes. It worked out though I think.

  14. You bring so much heart to your home.

    I love to visit.

    xo Jane

  15. Chania I adore your dining room it is perfectly festive for the season. Oh and the pie, yum!

    Please Come and enter in Our Twelve Days of Holiday Giveaways. There are so many exciting & special Gifts! Tis the Season!


    Art by Karena

  16. Thanks for the invite to dinner. Everything looked grand. I'm glad you get to spend some time with your mother.

  17. I love your dining room! I will be looking for tea towel fabric now, as I really like your table runner. Love that you are using your kids decorations from so many years ago too!! Have a great week!

  18. Beautiful Chania. And I love your dragon tears in your chandelier too. xx

  19. Oh, this looks wonderful! Those sweet little deer are so cute. I love your tea towel idea. I'm going to try and make a faux grainsack pillow for my daughter's room. I figured I'd just paint the stripe on :)

  20. What a beautiful room with lots of gorgeous pieces. I think it's so sweet that you saved the homemade gifts from your kids and still use them.

  21. Everything looks great!I love the table runner.

  22. The runner looks fantastic. The whole tabletop is so pretty and festive. Love the orchids mixed with fir branches too!

  23. Gorgeous. I love the classic red and white. I popped over from Layla's because I saw your link, but the thumbnail was missing on her site. Just wanted to give you that heads up.

  24. Wow, your whole space is lovely! The 2 to 3 chair match actually makes it interesting. I am not much for matchy-match so this appeals to me!

  25. Love love love it! The runner is so cute and I bought some of the same tea towelling before i left Canada - just need to finish off the ends. I love the mixed chairs and the vintage reindeer and the perfect touch. You're killing me with the homemade mac & cheese and cherry pie - how did you know they were my all-time favourites? xo

  26. Chania, I love the simply understated way of your decor. The red window, the little tree in the bucket, and the simple table decor. Lovely.

  27. I love those little reindeer - so special. How wonderful that you will have some special Sundays with your mom before Christmas. My parents' greatest pleasure when living in the nursing home was to come to my house, eat good food and feel "normal" for awhile. Your table looks lovely and I like the idea of that easy-to-make runner. (exams were over today!) Ann

  28. Fabulous. I love it. I want that pie right now too x

  29. I love that table. I have never seen t towel fabric for sale here in Australia. What a clever way to use it.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania