
Friday, December 30, 2011

Wrap up

My best pic of 2011...Interior Design Show in Toronto
I hope everyone had a really nice Christmas and are gearing up for 2012.  We had a lovely time in Montreal. I fell asleep on Christmas Eve to the sound of horse hooves clopping along the cobbled streets of old Montreal and woke to snow falling lightly all around.  It was magical lying in bed watching it, hoping the Raz man would wake up and go get me a coffee.  We stayed at Le Petite Hotel...a quaint and charming little boutique hotel, very well priced in winter and with complimentary fruit, croissants and coffee for breakfast.  I just hate going downstairs to get it when my hair is all crazy and I have no make up on.  So I wait for him to wake up and get it for me.  My son made a cooked breakfast for us alter and we enjoyed a fabulous evening at his In Laws...loads of people and noise and music and fun fun fun....

IDS Show this photo

Of course now it's almost done, we need to reflect on 2011......the good, bad and ugly of it.  I was very fortunate this year. The highlights of my year were
  •  We sold our cottage up North and bought a house in Florida for our family and hope to make many happy memories there in 2012....
  • We went on a business trip to Vegas and I ditched the business part to meet up with Suzan from the Old Grey Mare blog who took me sight seeing and to buy cowboy boots.
  • I took Girl Child to Mexico for reading week.  She went back to college to get another diploma and has had 2 great internships this year. 4 months to go until she graduates. 
  • We went to Florida house hunting.....bought a house...fell through...went back..bought another one.
  • Traveled to Montreal for bridal shower
  • Traveled to Exuma for the most magical wedding (son's) and week of festive mingling with the new in laws and friends.
  • Back to Montreal for the reception
  • Hosted my brother and nephew in Florida...tried paddle boarding.  
  • Met a new friend from the UK
  • Met my father's brother for the first time.
  • My sister bought a house.
  • Christmas in Montreal...the first escape for me in over 30 years.
  • Dinner at friends tomorrow.

So many to choose from in Vegas
So that's quite a list of fun and travel, but I was most lazy in many other respects.  I haven't lost as of today a single pound in 2011....a complete disappointment for me, but hardly surprising since I've been a bit of a sloth.  I also made no progress in moving my business ahead in 2011. SO...for 2012, I am planning the following.

  • Swimming at the Y...Aquafit and lengths.  
  • Yoga at the Y.
  • Weight loss goal of 12 lbs.  Although that is not enough, I think it should be attainable.    
  • Despite working for an Orthopaedic Surgeon for ages, I'm not keen on them seeing them as a patient.  I have a really bad knee and need to see one soon...which will help me lose weight if knee was more stable.
  • Paddle boarding both in Florida and Ontario
  • Kayaking..easy on knee
  • Make an effort to make huge batches of jams, jellies, clay tags, cards etc for November 2012 craft market.
  • Start felting again
  • Knit something
  • Find a book club
  • Plan a girls dinner once a month
  • Get out more
  • Advance my Internet business with new products
  • See more live performances
  • Make Lemoncello...I was given a homemade bottle by the handsome Italian boyfriend of my sons sister in law....can't wait to make it.
  • Make more time for my sister
  • Find and shop at a farmers market consistently
  • And the number 1 thing........SPEND LESS, SAVE MORE.  
I've written down here so I can look back next year and see if I can check them off the list.  I gained 3 followers in the past few days....some interesting folk....which was nice as I lost a few the week before..what is it about blogging that make losing a follower cause doubts?  I've dropped blogs that I followed for various reasons, then dumped because they weren't my thing, didn't post enough, too many posts on babies or perfect husbands or  whatever, or just too many to read.....Face it, a good percentage of those smiling faces are not real followers anyway....  Two blogs  I dropped because they were mean and encouraged people to write in and say mean things about fat people or people with bad hair cuts. GONE WITH YOU...I SAY.

So the ones that I do follow are all on my sidebar (I think).  I have a great mixed bag of blog reading there so pop over to have a look...Happy New Year to All.

My Beautiful Ky.

My handsome son and his gorgeous bride

Florida Dining Room

Florida Living room


  1. Een heel goed en vooral gezond 2012 !!!.......

    Bedankt voor je liefde en steun van het afgelopen jaar......

    Het voelde als een warme deken......

    Liefs van

    ★ ┊    ★ ┊┊   ★ ┊  ★ ┊    
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    ☆┊ ☆   ★ ┊    ★ ┊ ☆

    A very good and healthy 2012 !!!......

    Thank you for love and support of the past year........

    It felt like a warm blanket..........

    Love from

  2. Wow Chania, you sure get around ;) {travel of course.} I love reading about your travels. I know what you mean about the not losing weight part but I am still trying (been a bit sloth-like myself over the holidays.) I don't like mean blogs either 'cause we all come in different shapes and sizes. All the best in 2012 to you and yours.

  3. I'm thrilled to have met you this year. It's one of my "highlights"!
    Happy New Year, Friend.

  4. Whew! I'm glad I'm still on your list. I love your photos and posts every time. I just have to tell you that I just came home from grocery shopping. I bought a can of the S oranges to make the M. When I scanned it, the price came up higher than it was marked on the shelf. I pointed it out to the clerk and got the can for free. Go me! Now, just to make it.

  5. Happy New Year. My favorite picture of yours is one you linked to me when you joined in Flowers In The House.

    I clicked over to meet you and there was this inviting sun filled room, with a comfy white couch and a wonderful mix of fabulous pillows.

    I've been inviting myself back ever since.

    Your warmth and loving nature shine through both your words and your work.

    xo jane

  6. Hello Chania

    As your newest follower I am very much looking forward to knowing you and your blog.
    I am impressed with your list and goals for 2012.

    Wishing you a very happy New Year and may all your wishes and goals be realized.

    Helen xx

  7. I love that living room! So many blogs to read, so why read ones that encourage meanness? Enough of that shit in the world, huh? I've gained weight since moving here. Part of it is steroids for asthma. Part is my sweet tooth. Gonna go back to those protein smoothies at night. Had one tonight with fruit. Felt better about myself. Glad to call you friend! Happy New Year!

  8. Phew, I am still on the sidebar too. I lost a follower last week. I wish there was a little exit interview when people unfollow. It would be good to have the feedback.
    Anyway, you have some impressive goals there Chania, so good luck with them. I hope your new year is happy and fulfilling. deb

  9. I hadn't realized how much traveling you did this past year until you wrote it all up. It has been a big year for you with selling the cottage and a son getting married and finding relatives. Wishing you all the best and a happy New Year.

  10. What a year you have had! It has been a pleasure to be your friend Chania and such a blessing. Your words have encouraged me and helped me get through a tough time this year, thank you. I wish you all the best for 2012! xx

  11. Chania, I say you have had a wonderful year full of good things. Even the bad usually turn out good I have found. I will be thinking of your girl child in the upcoming months as I so appreciated your support during our last shaky months before graduation. My followers fluctuate too and I find that interesting. And who are some of them? I look them up and wonder how they found me. Best wishes for the year ahead. Ann

  12. Montreal sounds wonderful and all those special happy memories of 2011. Chania - Happy New Year 2012 hope you have wonderful memories for this one too xx

  13. Thank you Chania for your encouraging words when you visit :)

    All that you inspire over here is to love.

    A Happy New Year to my sweet Canadian Friend.


  14. Your year certainly was not dull.
    Love, Feliz Año Nuevo, besitos, Candice

  15. You've had quite the year! But definitely filled with more good things than bad. Here's hoping 2012 brings you only good things and lots of joy.

    I've really enjoyed your blog this year and appreciate all of your sweet comments. Blogging is a funny thing and losing a follower does make you question why. But then, it's the special people that always pop in that mean the most and definitely keep you going. Thanks for your friendship and warm support xo

  16. That was a great post Chania! I've loved keeping up with your life over the past year, and look forward to continuing this year. Good luck with your to-do list for 2012....I have a few similar things on mine. Happy new year!

  17. Happy New Year Chania! This was a great post...sounds like a wonderful year to me! My dream is to have a little place in Florida one day so I love to hear all about your beautiful new home there!

    Thanks so much for your bedding tips too! ~Deb~

  18. Dear Chania,

    I love stopping by to see what you are up to and regret that I am not able to visit as often as I would like. You have become so open and honest about yourself in general and your life. I admire the authenticity of your posts. It amazes me how much we can come to know one another through the posts and comments. You are one of the people whom I truly enjoy. I understand the doubt that comes with losing a follower or two, but don't let that knock you back. Your blog is perfect just the way it is. Good luck with your aspirations for the coming year. Creating goals is the first step toward achieving them.



I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania