
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fellow Blogger makes CNN and Asking a favor of my American friends.

I am posting tonight because I am asking for my American blogging friends for a favor. One is to write a letter to the officials listed below.  The other is to post about this on your blog, especially if you are a big blog or can get a big blog friend to post it. You can read all about the plight of Mark and Fred HERE.  They appeared on CNN tonight and here is that Interview.  Here is the link if you wish to post it.

I mentioned the other day that fellow blogger Mark Himes and his husband Fred are in a bad situation with regards to Fred's immigration.  Fred and Mark are married and are the parents of 4 adopted kids.  Fred is French and under the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Mark is not allowed to sponsor Fred for a green card.  Fred had used up his visa and student visa, and despite being recognized as a family in order to adopt their family, a same sex spouse is not permitted to sponsor a partner for immigration.  If they move to France, Mark will have to surrender his rights as a father as France does not recognize same sex adoption.  A dilemma and their family is stuck in the middle.  They need your help as Americans to help convince officials to allow Fred Green Card status.  Under DOMA, the application cannot be supported, but other circumstances could sway their case.

If you could please write a letter to the 2 people listed below, it would really help Mark, Fred and their children. Help this deserving family continue to live in the USA and be the good Americans that they are. I truly believe that the more people that write, the more influence will be placed on the decision makers.

Thank you so much.

Please write to:

Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr.
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
P: 202-224-6324
Toll Free: 866-802-2833
Fax:  202-228-0604

Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528


  1. Great post! We can go to his website and complete a 'comment' form to submit!

  2. Again, thank you so much for trying to help our Family stay together. I understand that this topic doesn't sit well with folks so if you get any slack over posting this, I apologize. Know that you'll always have a Friend in me.
    Although it's DOMA that affects us, we are not fighting for "gay marriage". We are simply trying to keep Fred with his children in the only place they know of as home. That's it.
    Thanks again for caring and trying to help.
    Your Friend, m.

  3. Will do Chania, so glad they are getting the national spotlight a bit. I hope people can open their hearts and minds and understand exactly what Mark said in his above post. Ann


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania