
Monday, January 30, 2012

Ringing the Bell

Here I am in the South again (business), joined by DIL and her mum. Yesterday, being Sunday, we wanted to find a church service to attend. On the advice of a taxi driver the night before we showed up at the Bethel AME church. Welcomed by the pastor outside, we headed in and discovered immediately that AME stood for African Methodist Episcopal. We were the only white people in the entire church.  Which, coming from the melting pot of culture that is Canada, was a bit of a surprise to us. But here in the South, things are different. We've noticed that there are still clear divides in town with regards to neighborhoods, even bars and restaurants. So I was a bit worried that we wouldn't be truly welcomed here in this church. I couldn't have been more wrong.

The first thing we noticed was how fancy everyone was. Ladies, mostly dressed in white, with pretty hats, and big jewelry, children in their Sunday best, gentleman in suits and ties. At home people are getting a bit slack in the church attire department and jeans are a common site. What ensued was a three hour, YES 3 HOURS of praising and singing and shouting out, dancing, swaying, drums, guitar, the most amazing singing, and speakers that were so powerful and had so much passion and such amazing messages People in the congregation were moved to shout and praise and nod in agreement.  It was contagious. We as the "Sisters from Montreal" were mentioned 4 times during the service.  We linked hands, watched 2 baptisms, listened as the Pastor broke out in song, watched the elderly ladies dancing and being honored at the front of the church.  I was so moved I had goosebumps. 3 hours seemed like 30 minutes.  I have NEVER felt such passion in a church EVER. And I am the great grand daughter of a Church of England Minister.

After the service the Pastor walked through his packed congregation and headed straight for us and told us that when we were back in town, this was our Church. I felt completely at home here, I would definitely go back. I was educated and enlightened in many ways. We had a lot of discussion after as to whether we are truly welcome or if they would prefer we went to church in a different neighborhood. What do you think. If a Church is African American should white people go? I don't want to be disrespectful at all to the Pastor or Congregation and I would really love to go back. 

One of the speakers at the Church was Barbara Williams.  She talked at length about the value of a day.  At 12:01 am you have the gift of a new day.  The previous day is now gone and either wasted it or made the best of it. This hit home to me in many ways....her message made an impact.

That evening we walked for an hour on the beach towards "The Pink Hotel....the Don Cesar pictured in my first photo. We returned to the beach hut snack bar where a band played as the sun went down and people gathered on the boardwalk to watch the sun dip behind the ocean. And when it was done, they rang the big brass bell....a tradition at Passe A Grille Beach.  That was a perfect way to put emphasis on what Barbara Williams had talked about that morning.  A day ended.....and it was marked with the ringing of the bell.

Truly a Spiritual Sunday.


  1. Beautiful post Chania! I think you should feel welcome in their church because I know you would welcome anyone into your own and so would my family. I hope I get to come visit, and when I do, I would love to go! Love from Montreal S

  2. Hello Chania

    What a beautiful account of a very special day.

    I love your images and the wisdom imparted by Barbara Williams. That is powerful.


  3. Oh Chania, I got goosebumps just reading about your experience. How awesome you were a part of something so amazing. I love a church where they feel free to show their love of God!


  4. Oh Chania, I got goosebumps just reading about your experience. How awesome you were a part of something so amazing. I love a church where they feel free to show their love of God!


  5. Chania ..lovely post. I will be in St. petersburg this next week. i will be checking out your recommendations. i was happy to see the Pink Hotel Don Cesar...a friend of mine from Hollywood said it was a must. He did a filming with Carol Burnett at that hotel. Will go...looks awesome. Enjoy this gorgeous weather.

  6. Chania,

    You are right that there are still noticeable divisions here in the south. In fact we have a street here in Orlando called Division. It was so named way back when for what it divided. I wasn't born here - Montreal is my birthplace and then onto to Toronto for childhood and when we moved down here in 1974 I noticed that things were different. All these years later I think things have progressed in great ways, but there is still that undercurrent. I notice that when one takes a step in the right direction, it is welcomed and great rewards come from that step. You all took an uncalculated step, which makes it all the more special and were rewarded handsomely. I suspect the level of enthusiasm in that church rose with your presence and that the glorious welcome you received was sincere as was the invitation to return. I would definitely go back.


  7. I would go back. From what I have seen I think they really truly appreciate your coming to their church. I am sure they do not want division. Go make friends and enjoy. They were made in the image of God and he loves them so don't let old society racism bring down something that could be really good.

  8. What kind of church do you attend now? My husband has always wanted to experience a black church.

  9. Wow! Sounds like an amazing church. I say take the minister at his word. When a line is drawn in the sand, cross it with love and you will be greeted on the other side in the same way.

  10. I would definitely go back! I think it's great that you went and enjoyed it there. I'm sure they would welcome anyone wanting to join in, regardless of their colour or race - i think people are just too timid to try. I'm Lutheran and church-going was always a very serious, sombre event. I remember attending the Pentecostal church with my best friend and her parents and how joyous and loud and full of energy it was. I often wondered why all churches weren't like that - I would have looked forward to Sunday mornings. xo

  11. That was some gift and some special day. Of course you should go back there, Chania. It sounds wonderful.

  12. That sounds like a wonderful place to be! I'm sure they were sincere and if you want to go back, you should. Maybe you'll open some doors for others to join in.

  13. God doesn't see what colour your skin is, just the colour of your heart. Of course you should go such thing as a black people's church or a white people's church. I think that's exactly the message the congregation was giving you.
    Beautiful sunset photos Chania...and yes, treasure every moment.

  14. Chania,

    I love that you opened yourself up to this experience and you were moved in ways unforeseen. It takes courage to just go forth and to feel what it is like to be a minority. I also loved how warmly you were welcomed. That is what organized religion should be about-- acceptance and love. Thanks for the lovely photos, too.


  15. Seriously, I take a break for two weeks and 1/2 the posts on my return are all spiritual. Did Jesus arrive when I wasn't looking or something. Now I'm afraid to take blogging breaks anymore for fear that I won't get the memo of the 2nd coming.
    Three hours is way too long. But I guess I'm just used to a 1 hour Mass. But you're dancing and worshiping, that could go fast. Yes, go back to that church if you want. But be warned. When the presidential debate starts to heat up with Obama and whoever, they're are all going to look at you. I hope you got a pretty hat to wear! m.

  16. Hi Chania...I have spent many a happy afternoon on Passe a grille beach! Lovely to see these shots - they remind me so much of my childhood. Lou x

  17. Okay, Mark makes me laugh! Cute, very cute.
    I have to agree with is church, colour should not be part of that equation, or any other for that matter. I imagine that was the message that the minister was hoping to give to all of you. Get some decent hats though before you head back! ;)

  18. Lovely Chania. We go to a large church that is fairly new and full of young people and people of all races. It is good to be in the Deep South and worship where race does not matter. I do not think I could make three hours however.

  19. Go. If that was your best church experience why on earth would you forgo for what you think they thought. Go with what they told you.

  20. What a fantastic story Chania. I would say definitely go back, with your hat of course - it certainly sounds as though you were truly welcomed.

  21. I grew up in the South and never really gave any thought to the fact that the church we attended was all white.
    The black people went to their own churches and that was just the way it was.

    Now that I am older and the world has changed, I see no reason why People ( whatever color they are) cannot go to the same church.
    It is about God , not politics or prejudice.

  22. Yes, you should return to the church as often as you can!! The more we show the world that racism is an ugly, awful thing that needs to end once and for all time. I have always believed that God put every color of man on this planet to live in peace and harmony with each other. I am a 51 years young and always trying to tell others that racism is not needed in this world. We would all live better lives if we try to remember that everyone of will be judged for their doings here by God! So yes return, proclaim that church as your church of choice whenever you are there.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania