
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

Entry way of  Suzanne Dimma home photo HERE

It's Super Bowl Sunday in the USA.  And with our close ties to America, it's pretty well become our day too.  All the bars are packed for the 4 hour show.  If you don;t like football, there's always Madonna on the half time show.  I always seem to end up at the supermarket around 2:30pm on SBS and it's always fun to notice all the men out shopping.  Carts loaded with veggie platter, salsa, chips etc. The stores even make it easy for the blokes to get a pot of Chile on by having all the ingredients available at the end of one aisle.  Cans of beans, tomatoes, sauce etc, all en guarde in one convenient shopping station. Fridge freezers full of sour cream dips with pile of chips around.  And today they had inflatable balloon footballs hanging over all the "snack stations" so the guys could find their territory quickly amongst the female shoppers. 

I have been abandoned by the Raz Man and Girl Child who have popped off to their respective parties and I am at home cooking soup and a big Chile for the week. And while it's cooking, I'm not watching the game, but rather reading Canadian House and Home online. I am somewhat obsessed with Editor Suzanne Dimma's style and have been perusing photos of her and hubby Arriz's home. I've been most pleased with the direction H & H has taken since she became editor.  I loved Cobi Ladner at the helm, but really enjoy the spice Suzanne has brought to the magazine.  Her style has a crisp perfection to it, that is neither contrived nor complicated. These photos are from her blog which you can see HERE

Kitchen.  Gorgeous rug. Photo source HERE

I absolutely love the sofa fabric photo source HERE

Her den photo source HERE

Suzanne's amazing cottage. source HERE

cottage kitchen HERE

Simple with impact. image HERE

Exquisitely simple accessories at her cottage . Image HERE


  1. I can't make up my mind whether I like her or not. Have you met her? I used to get the magazine when Cobi was at the helm because I loved her editorials.

    Superbowl isn't a big deal around here.

  2. Dang that was a close game! will pop back in the morning and pay real attention to your post Chania. I do love that first photo!

  3. This post is 100 times better than the Super Bowl.

  4. Glad you're loving her style and blogs! I'm sure she'll be happy to hear it.




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