
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oreo Inspiration

Oreo's dipped in Belgian Chocolate made in Florida.???
Girl Child moves today. From her scruffy student digs into her new Petite Maison. A 445 square foot condo. Petite, maybe, but it has it's own washer/dryer and a bathtub, as well as a bedroom which is a bonus in the land of Toronto "studio" apartments. I shall be spending the day supervising the emerging decor, and trying NOT to make it look like me, but rather HERS.

I picked up a package of cookies to have with our afternoon tea today, knowing full well we'll be in need of a pick me up. I couldn't resist these colorful foil wrapped Oreo cookies. Dipped in Belgian chocolate but made in Florida. How Weird is that so find on the shelves in Ontario?.

Anyway, blogging beckons us to be creative doesn't it?. Blogging competition is such that we can no longer merely photograph a cookie and post it, for fear of boring our delightful readers. As such, I took heed from posts on food styling. I noticed the colorful backgrounds and in my haste to find an appropriate "SET" for the cookies, I laid them out on the first thing at hand that complemented the vivid colors of my cookies.

This beautiful book on India that I am currently reading became the perfect backdrop to showcase my cookies. And then I got carried away, posing the pretty biscuits on various pages and marveling at the color combinations. The book is called "Spirit of India" by Gill Davies. 

Ladies in Saris, tropical fish...I just couldn't stop.

Cookies amongst the Darjeeling

Orange and Lime
Thtr would have been perfect if it was a crocus plant on my table, but the withered daffodil still lends a nod to the saffron

Who knew I could have such fun shooting these exuberant cookies. It just wouldn't have been the same with a digestive!


  1. Beautiful! I never would have guessed that you needed advice about food styling or photographing from all the photos I've seen you post here. All your photos are so beautiful!

  2. How very clever of you! I think your styling is beautiful...who knew oreos, India and Belgian chocolate would look so lovely together!

    Have a wonderful day! It is very hard not to impose our own taste into their son has turned a few ideas down! Now I know, if I hate it..he'll love it. :) So, enjoy the oreos and the day ~

  3. Creative, clever, enjoyable . . . and now I want an Oreo! Subliminal . . .

  4. Those oreo cookies are fascinating. Your pictures are wonderful too! I hope you show us how the apt. turned out.

  5. The first one against that girl's fuschia dress is my favorite. Good eye and thanks for not boring me.

  6. Playing around with photo styling is half the fun! Congrats to your daughter on her new place. Your perspectives and sentiments are enough to keep me interested and coming back again and again.

  7. An exciting day for your daughter. Your pictures of the cookies look very artistic. Enjoy your coffee time together.

  8. Chania, very inspirational!! Love the settings for your exotic cookies!!

    Do come and enter my new Fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!
    Art by Karena

  9. the cookies were sooo good! i put them in the freezer and couldn't help myself last night and ate two. Dad will be jealous

  10. Tho I swore off sugar for lent I didn't swear off looking at cookies especially "tea" cookies.

    Luscious pictures.

    Hope the move goes well.

    xo Jane

  11. The humble OREO has never before looked so elegant. I recently read that this is Oreo's 100th birthday too. We were in Toronto this past week and I am surprised at the number of condos going up along the Gardiner to downtown. I think my son counted 33 cranes (but I am sure there were more before he started.) We were last there for a week of the Royal Winter Fair in November and it is amazing to see the changes. Wishing her all the best in her new digs.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania