
Monday, April 16, 2012

Meddling with Eggs

My eggs and lovely wire work basket


Do you know what a real cage free roaming chicken eats?  According to Wiki "Chickens are omnivores and will eat grain, seeds, fruit, other vegetation, corns , worms and other insects".

And a battery hen, or even the misnamed "cage free organic chicken" usually eats pellets. According to Wiki here's what a commercial chicken eats  "Chicken feed ingredients may but not exclusively contain such grains as corn, oats, wheat, barley, sorghum, and general milling by-products. Protein concentrates including soybean meal and other oilseed meals like peanut, sesame, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed meal, animal protein sources meat and bone meal, dried whey, fish meal, grain legumes such as dry beans and field peas, and alfalfa.

With Omega eggs, the chicken get more omega fatty acids in the forms of fish oil. Good right? It may be good for you, but every so often an egg from an Omega eating chicken can taste like fish. Yes Indeed. Google it. It happens. We had a batch of eggs over Easter breakfast that tasted fishy. Awful. I was in a restaurant once and overheard the chef explaining this to a breakfast eating customer. Another example of food meddling gone wrong. A couple of us haven't eaten an egg since


  1. I frustrates me how they meddle with our food and then make laws that say they don't have to tell us - e.g. GMO's.
    I am so old-fashioned when it comes to food (and probably a lot of things), but I want the good old days when food was real, organic was normal and there was much more cooking from scratch.
    If I want fish - I'll buy fish, but I want an egg that tastes like an egg! :-)

  2. blah! That would totally turn me off. We actually get a lot of different egg options in Dubai from many different countries. I tend to prefer the lovely organic ones from France - they have a deep golden yolk, unlike the pale yellow yokes in Canada.

  3. oh i believe it. when i was beginning being a vegan and still eating eggs from friends that raised chickens i wondered what they were feeding their chickens and so i asked. well one was feeding them chicken! that just seems so wrong to me. and then i learned that most people slaughter their chickens when they are done laying so quitting eggs was easy for me. i guess we do the best we can and when we know better, we do better. thanks for this info today chania. xo janet

    1. It's not right. I totally support farming but this is becoming unnatural.

  4. Oh my. And I had eggs this morning! I have never experienced the fishy egg, but I think I would be turned off completely if I did. Hmmmmm, must look more closely at grocery this week. Ann

  5. I used to keep chickens in my back yard. I loved gathering the 'farm fresh' eggs from happy chickens who scratched for worms and seeds but were also fed chicken feed. The store where I bought the feed had me fill in my address, phone number and email. "Don't put me on a mailing or phoning list!" no, no she assured me, it was for the government. About three months later I discovered (when there was mad cow disease in BC) that the government needed to be in touch with me to kill the chickens as also included in chicken feed was "bone meal" and "blood meal" which was processed road kill, any animal that had died for any reason, and pets that were put down (again for any reason). I was appalled!

    1. That is appalling. When did this become acceptable? What are we doing to the world?

  6. ewwwww.....I hope I never run into this!

  7. STAY away from EGGS! and CHICKEN!

    Chicken and eggs are the top sources of arachidonic acid in the diet, an omega 6 fatty acid involved in our body’s inflammatory response.

  8. Oh no...not another thing I won't want to eat. When you take time to look at the food chain it is not always pretty. I have read a few books in the last year that have made me question a lot of what I eat. I am shocked by the comment left by Joyful Things...incredible.

    1. They used to feed bone and blood meal to cattle but have recently banned it because of mad cow disease. This little chicken feed incident has taught me to know my food producer and know what the animals are fed.

  9. ...Sigh Chania...just another way the food INDUSTRY is all about profits not FOOD! One of my quests here in NOTL (because bylaws won't let me have my own chickens!), is to find someone in the community who raises their own, so I can buy eggs from them. Now I know I need to ask yet another question..."and what do you feed them?". Thanks for this.
    p.s. love, love, love that egg basket!

  10. Today I purchased my first carton of farm fresh eggs. After reading your post I made sure to ask about what thier chicks/hens eat and was reassured very quickly that they are allowed to "scratch" for their food on the farmland. I'm going to use them in a cookie recipe, *fingers crossed*.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania