
Friday, May 25, 2012

A 10" Crack

Sunlight swirls on the wall beside my Roost clock.

When I bought this lovely amber crock at a local St. Pete vintage shop, I was most disappointed when I went to pay for it. The fellow told me it had a 10" crack, and that it was noted on the other side of the tag. We looked inside and out, turning it over and around and both is us could not see even the tiniest crack in it. I decided it was still a nice strong piece, and he gave me a nice discount on it, since he was sure there had to be a hairline crack somewhere.

I brought it home, took off the price tag so I could give it a good wash, and noticed on the one side of the tag it said.  $18.00. and on the other side "10" Crock. I don't think the nice young lad had a clue what a crock was and assumed it said CRACK.


  1. LOL! I'm guessing that not ONE of my kids knows what a crock is. Well, maybe CityGirl does - she's just taken up pickling as a hobby.


  2. Well I am as bad as he because I kept thinking you said clock instead of crock, and I kept looking at your picture of the clock on the wall wondering where in the world a crack could be on your clock. I was looking for a crack in the wall or on the numbers. Apparently we went to the same school.LOL

  3. Oh, this is a delightful story!!! Glad to know you are back in the
    US of A. Enjoy Florida and post more photos ... those flowers are unbelievable.

  4. Everything is not always as it's cracked up to be..or in your case crocked..but being crocked is another story then isn't it?
    Enjoy the holiday weekend my dear

  5. That's the only time I like dealing with younger people in customer service. Love it!

  6. Oopsy! He certainly didn't know. Great find.

  7. ha ha ha - too funny. That is a really nice crock - and at a bargain - what could be better!

  8. It makes a great story. Long may your crock bring you luck.

  9. That is hilarious Chania...and you ended up on the right side of the deal too! Must be an excuse to open a bottle of champagne, don't you think!

  10. Precious! Bothe the crock and the "crack"pot.

  11. I love old crocks, especially ones without cracks:)

  12. Great find . . . better check back, might find another sized "crack!"

  13. Great pics the light and shadows on your walls are fab! as for the "hairline crack"!! :) too funny
    Carla x

  14. Having a renovator for a husband I was looking for the 10" crack on the wall.

  15. LOL ... it is lovely .. I too , was looking at the wall for the crack ..


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