
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fairies on the Ombre Birthday Cake

Life isn't complete without Fairies.

The Ombre Cake.

Yes, they have Champagne balloons....


Balloons and lantern under the Parasol

I do love to throw a party, and with Girl Child turning 25, I told her she could have a party at the house. (her 450 sq foot digs just doesn't work for large gatherings). Hopefully the weather holds and the 30 or so guests can stay outside. We decorated the yard today with lanterns, balloons and other festive items. A few weeks ago, Ky asked if I could make her an Ombre cake (dark to light).....NO PROBLEM says dear mother. This morning we baked 5 layers in layers from plum to pale pink, and iced it with the same. The thing is HUGE. A foot high and weighs about 20 lbs....lots of icing??!! Yikes, I hope it tastes OK. Tonight there's a SUPER MOON, specially ordered........


  1. Happy birthday to girl child. I love the ombre cake - well done Mom chef! Your backyard is looking lovely and you seem to have whipped up a great evening for an early May party.

  2. What a beautiful birthday party it will be. I WANT those fairies!

  3. The setting is perfect for a wonderful party. That cake is exquisite.
    Wishing Ky a very happy birthday

    Helen xx

  4. I can't find the fairies. I want to buy the fairies. Please email me

  5. Happy Birthday Ky!! What a fabulous setting for the party. Looks fabulous. And the cake, WOW! I made a rainbow cake last year for my niece, I was so nervous it was going to topple as it was so tall. The fairies....wonderful. Have great fun!

  6. That cake looks good to me! You'll have to show us a picture of the inside.

  7. Chania a lovely and I am sure yummy cake!!

    I have featured an Interview on my site with Tina from The Enchanted Home...


    Art by Karena

  8. I am sure you had a fabulous birthday for your daughter . . . the cake looks like a cloud of dreams . . . 25 . . . A great time in life!

  9. Chania, the cake is the bomb diggity. It is large and in charge. Happy 25 to your girl. hugs, olive

  10. How wonderful that you had the super moon to compliment the birthday celebrations! Happy bday to your lovely girl. Ann

  11. Cake looks amazing and I'm sure it was delish!!!
    Everything looks perfect- sure everyone had a great time
    Well done xoxo

  12. Hope the party was a blast. That cake looks wonderful - I'm salivating as I type!

  13. I wondered how many layers that cake was. It's gorgeous! We've got three May birthdays (out of four people) in our house so I'm getting into high birthday gear myself.
    Hope the party was spectacular!

  14. Great job on that cake! The fairies really put it over the top. I missed the supermoon, forgot to look, I am so mad at myself. Hope it was gorgeous!

  15. Happy belated 25th birthday to your girl child Chania. That looks a birthday cake and a half. The settings look wonderful too.

  16. What a FABULOUS cake! HOW heavy?? That made me laugh out loud. You are one MAGNIFICENT Momma. Enjoy the moon! Paula xxx


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