
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Does this scare you?

This post is intended to invoke terror in my Daughter in Law. Hello Tracy!  Are you scared? 

This is one of 2 chairs I picked up as a gift to her from me. Boy Child and DIL are getting slowly rid of their college day furniture and hand me downs and a design plan is emerging. They recently took down walls and made so big changes and now they want to re-decorate.

So when I spotted these chairs at a consignment shop, I immediately recognized how well made they were and how comfy they were. Tub chairs are usually really comfy and they make great small size seating in a living room, bedroom or even dining room. So, I bought them without approval from BC and DIL. Nothing like a Mother in Law calling up her DIL to announce she bought them some chairs...If my MIL had EVER done that I would be mortified and already fighting with the Raz Man about who was going to tell her the chairs were not staying. Anyway...that picture of the butt ugly chair above is the before. I am picking up the reupholstered chars at lunch and shall post them later today. In the meantime, I am going to let Tracy sweat....


  1. Hee hee. I would have been the same as you were. I'm sure they'll be beautiful and the dil will love them.

  2. Having you as a MIL I would be thrilled knowing you would make good design choices....and why am I up posting and commenting at 6 am? sigh...

  3. I am positive your choices will be perfect and DIL will be thrilled . . . can't wait to see!

  4. I would be jumping up and down with joy....nothing like a good tub chair and with the right upholstery....FABULOUS! I would not be worried!!

  5. You know what, I think it's nice like that. I've been on Craigslist trying to find furniture for the new place. My key word is "orange". Fred told me to stop looking at ugly furniture. I can't help it!
    Can't wait to see what you do.

  6. Hello Chania

    I would trust your design sense and know you will score with this too.


  7. You can be my MIL any day! I'm sure I could use some style sense! LOL

  8. Very funny, Chania! But surely these beauties hardly need reupholstering...

  9. Oh my, I do things like this to my daughter-in-love, too. So far, she has been very generous with my whims. Thanks for the giggle. Cherry Kay

  10. I love the scare tactic Chania! Wait until you see what they've done with the place....its amazing!!!

  11. You are so funny but right. My SIL recently gave us too large pinkish chairs for our den. They are well made, expensive, and comfy. I just do not like them.

  12. Too funny! I'm sure your DIL will love them with their new upholstery:) My MIL has wonderful taste so I never worry when I receive things for her!

  13. Whew! Thanks goodness I read "reupholster", you had me scared for a minute there probably same as your DIL. Great chair, the tub.


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