
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

On the mantle....

Anyone who enters my home will know that my mantle changes constantly. It's a constant source of clutter and Bits, birthday cards, sometimes flowers or candles, haphazardly tossed books, bits of wood, junk and found things, and right now, a large white plaster mirror. The Bits this week include my gorgeous carved African woman wearing a very old rosary, a tin angelic Frida piece from my trip to Mexico with Girl Child, and a little wooden basket of worry dolls. I stepped back this morning to look at the accidental assortment of Bits, and wondered if this was subconsciously because I've been very worried about a person dear to me, and her family.


  1. The subconscious speaks . . . and helps us sort out this and that . . .
    Thinking of you . . . . Of your family.

  2. Love all your "bits". I've had a set or two of worry dolls over the years as well. I hope your family member is ok.

  3. Very nice I love the beautiful statue.

  4. Your mantle is beautiful, I love the carved African woman and her rosary. Hope the worry dolls lessen your burden and that things take a positive turn today.

  5. Love the rosary. I need some worry dolls:)

  6. Your love and concern is coming through in physical manifestations. Just proves how large your heart is, it expands onto your mantle <3


  7. The subconscious sure has a way of making itself known. Our homes should be a reflection of who we are, and that includes our loves and our worries. I like the above comment, where she said your display shows the largesse of your heart. I hope things work out for the one you are worried about.



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