
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Man Stuff

I know my house is quite feminine...lots of pink, floral paintings, ruffled sheets and Girly Bits all over. You may wonder if the Raz Man has any say at all in the decorating of the house. The answer is NO. Not really, seldom, hardly ever, once in a while. He's in the computer business, and by default gets all the say on the TV size and speed of the Internet, but he's really not into stuff that doesn't have a microchip in it. Once in a blue moon, he does make a household purchase. Such as the egg scale above. Should we ever decide to raise chickens and sell eggs, we're all set. For now we can confirm that his breakfast egg is indeed a medium brown. He also purchased this old Bakelite Viewmaster and several film strips with great shots of St. Petersburg in the 1950's. I like this, and display it on the window sill.

Yesterday morning, unbeknownst to me, his annual acquisition arrived via parcel surface. A massive map of the Tampa/St. Pete area, perfect for planning our evacuation route during a hurricane. Since all the walls were pretty full, we chose to hang it out on our oddball balcony. This little area overlooks the stairwell, and has a little landing and then a door into the master bedroom. A total waste of space ,that once served as the entrance to the upstairs apartment in this house. I quite like it with the 2 old boxes stacked on the floor. 

If anyone needs to check the weight of their egg tomorrow morning, please pop over.


  1. the RazMan is thinking....evacuation route very essential is Florida!

  2. Love this little nook, great purchase RazMan!

  3. How fun . . . a scale to weigh eggs. Just what everyone needs!

    Love the large map . . . excellent place to hang it!

  4. I always love how very personal and unique your homes always are. You are an authentic self. <3

  5. not sure why anyone would need a egg scale but i like the antique like look........and map is man would love that!!

  6. I wonder if the double yolker from Dejong Acres Farm I boiled up yesterday would have tipped the scale? The map is awesome ... good pick Raz Man !

  7. The man in my house gets to decorate his office, which is very lawyerly with his collection of Lincoln portraits and pencil drawings of courtroom scenes, but he defers to me on the rest of the house. We would both love that map of yours, however. I like the quirkiness of the egg scale, too. I hope you enjoy your stay in Florida. It sounds incredibly relaxing and fun there.

  8. If I pop over, will it be alright if I bring an economy size, galvanise chicken feeder - we've got one or two or twenty spare ones. Love your pictures

  9. I had no idea there were egg scales, but I love it! And the map is perfect and shows your area so well - for that evacuation that won't be necessary... Ann

  10. That is the most perfect spot for the map ! with the world outside the window, the hats and boxes in case you want to pack up and go see some of that world .. the size is just right.. I love it !

    I would not mind if my husband didn't have so many opinions on decorating. Most of the time I bully him to see things my way but I sometimes just don't feel like the debate.. just let me do it, ok ? :)

    Oh, nice egg :D

  11. I love those big old maps. And our chickens just started laying, I think their eggs look to be on the small side. I might just have to start weighing them.


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