
Thursday, September 27, 2012

The French Patient

Our boy is quietly recovering from his surgery yesterday. It was a hard decision to make regarding this large mass on his left cheek. Surgery would be traumatic for this 12 year old boy who had already been through a lot this past 2 months. My goal upon adopting this old fella 6 weeks ago, was to make his twilight years comfortable and happy. He won't agree that surgery was the best thing for him, but the vet feels in the long run it was better to take care of it now rather than later. After a day at the vets, he refused to acknowledge me when I picked him up, casting disgusted looks my way, and spent the evening soulfully whimpering while resting in the living room. His regular bed didn't give him enough sprawling space, so he now has another pillow and several soft blankets strewn about to comfort him. In addition to his pain meds, he has had lots of snuggles and treats.

Frenchie will be accepting visitors during regular visiting hours tomorrow. Pass on the flowers, just bring the biscuits.


  1. Aahh. He looks very comfortable now! What a brave thing you've done.

  2. Frenchie looks out for the count. It's going to get better every day. Give him a snuggle from me.

  3. Poor Boy! Milk it Frenchie, milk it! As you said it is better to do this now even though surgery is rough at that ripe old age. He is blessed to be in such a loving place - he will eventually come to that conclusion too. Ann

  4. oh sweet boy! I have said it before and I'll say it again and again..ya got a heart of gold girlie!

    Heal well and quickly sweet Frenchie <3

  5. Poor sweet boy. And poor you, my baby before Max needed emergency surgery (his stomach flipped) when he was 11 and we stayed up all night waiting for the vet to call. Luckily his surgery went well but he was terrified and so was I. He may not be ignoring you, he just doesn't feel very well and he's probably scared since he doesn't understand. he'll be his loving self soon once he feels a little better.

  6. Awwww ... Frenchie is an angel and so are you. I hope he`s up and bout very soon!


  7. Could have been worse, at least you didn't drop him off at the rectal surgeon!

    The sweetness. I hope he recovers smoothly and easily.

    I bet he doesn't hold a grudge too long either.

    xo Jane

  8. Awww, poor baby! Are ALL dogs born with the ability to make us feel guilty? LOL


  9. My poor pup:( give him kisses for me and tell him I'm visiting Sunday

  10. Hello Chania

    Wishing Frenchy a speedy recovery. I delights me to see you taking such good care of him. You are a Mensch.

    Helen xx

  11. Oh, he looks miserable! Give him a big hug for me since I can't bring him biscuits. :)

    You're an angel. xo

  12. Poor guy...I hope he feels better soon. He's so lucky to have you :)

  13. What a sweet story and so inspiring. How kind of you to take on an old dog and make its last days special and loving. Sounds like a special kind of pain and love combined. Reminds me of the story of Black Beauty. You never know what kind of life animals have lived and the cruelties they've endured. God bless you for your caring heart ~ you have touched mine.

  14. Such a dear ! Hope he is feeling a bit more chipper . . . I think he is dreaming about his new home and wonderful family!

  15. Oh, poor thing! I am sending wishes for a speedy recovery. I feel like that every time I have to give medicine to my persian cat for her ever-present sinus infections. Some medicines are bitter to swallow, but a spoonful of sweetness (like your constant love for this dog) makes them more palatable. Best of luck to you both!


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania