
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

At home we have the best neighbors anyone could hope for. The kind you call when there's an emergency, the kind that let your dog out and bring you soup when you're sick. Most of our neighbors have lived here for over 25 years. Despite the houses being on the small side, none of us would think about moving because we just love the people so much.

In Florida, despite a creepy vacant house next door, we also have great neighbors. Key holders for our house, and beer and wine drinking buddies when we head South. Directly opposite we have the best kept house on the street. I am sure that when we bought the house, they were hoping we would promptly tidy up the front which had a moldy fence, railroad tie garden box and shabby trees. We've been working our way around the jobs that need doing. We had these two awful looking benches in the yard. I was afraid to sit on them given they were rotten and flimsy. Our good neighbor across the street told us he would fix them for us. Today we got his email. "looking forward to your return" it said, along with before and afters of the benches he has remade for us. 

He also told us we would need a machete to get rid of the rain forest growing in our gutters. Gutter man promptly booked!


  1. wow that is a nice neighbor. is that vacant huse for sale:-)

    xo Jane

  2. What a great neighbor indeed! How nice!

  3. They are transformed. Sweet neighbor indeed. Here if our gutters get clogged we have more mosquitoes because they start hatching in the gutters.

  4. Wow - lucky you!!! I need me one of those neighbours lol

  5. unbelievably kind..does he want a free stay in Vegas in trade for odd jobs :D

  6. What a great transformation. He's got talent. Good neighbors make the world go around.

  7. What a transformation, and what a kind neighbour.

  8. Lucky in neighbours is always a good thing! And, you have certainly got a winner there! Beautiful transformation.

  9. You won the neighbor lottery! what a great "after"

  10. They are really beautiful! What a sweet thing to do!

  11. Your neighbour has done a brilliant job of that bench. Good neighbours like that are worth their weight in gold.

  12. Now that is a nice neighbor! Restored and "seatable!".

    It is work to tend to a house from afar, isn't it? Soon you will be there swimming inthe pool and the gutters will be clean!


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