
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 continues.....

Properly fitted safety net.
For those of you that have followed the pool build saga, thank you for your lovely supportive and empathetic comments regarding the many issues we have had. We are near the end of the journey. We arrive tomorrow in Florida, excited to actually see and swim in the pool. 

We decided on a pool safety net to protect any non swimmers that might decide to hop in. It can withstand 450 lbs and is worth the peace of mind. The Pool Guy suggested we add a leaf net since we have several large trees. We were told it it attached to the safety net and is removed in one piece.

So we were a little surprised when the Pool People told it the safety net was coming last Friday and  the leaf net today. Instead of calling to find out why, I decided to defer to the pros. They must know what they are doing right. 

So today, Mr. Leaf Net arrived and installed the leaf net.
Right over the patio and over the front walkway, blocking the path from the gate. Looks awful and like a tripping hazard to me.

I actually cannot even bring myself to call them to explain and complain.
I am so so mad I could spit like a camel.
For the sake of my blood pressure, I have deferred all pool communications to the Raz Man

Improperly fitted leaf net. It is supposed to be an exact match to the safety net for a tidy appearance. It is kinda blocking the pathway and the patio.


  1. FRUSTRATION AT THE ULTIMATE! I hope when you arrive you can iron out all the problems!

  2. Oh. My. I'd have ground my teeth to nubbins in your situation!

    Breathe. And enjoy the swim.


  3. Hi there, I wanted by the house the other day. The home and pool look beautiful! I know you're going to enjoy it. They had the safety net on, but not the leaf net. Welcome back to your FL home!

  4. oooo this must be so frustrating to be so far away and see things like this happen. i'm sure your honey will get it all worked out. good luck and things are looking pretty lovely i think! xo

  5. Oh you crack me up Chania - spit like a camel lmao -
    Yeah you're better off leaving it to Mr. R - and tomorrow you'll be swimming ( your cares away hopefully )

  6. Oh what idiots! Hope you are having a little wine tonight and that your trip will include resolving pool issues and that it's warm enough for a swim. Will we get to see camera footage of you and Razman enjoying the pool? The color of the water looks good. Ann

  7. Knuckleheads.
    You were right, push it out of your mind, let the Mr make the phone call and deal with them.
    Count the days until they are finished and you never have to deal with them again.
    Have a good trip down ... don't get tangled up in any nets .


  8. Please forgive my half laugh/dear lord reaction.... Amazing what idiots these dudes are.... Common sense is their foreign language...

  9. Oh you bring back bad memories of building our cabin. The carpenters argued about everything. I can't tell you how proud I felt when the head (and by far grouchiest)carpenter told me it was the best planned house he had ever built. Of course that was when it was all over and he was going out the door.

  10. Hi Chania,
    I am really pleased you get to test your pool, it looks wonderful. They must see that there is a problem? I hope they sort it out quickly! Enjoy your time in Florida...

  11. Oy!
    I have nothing more to say. They are hopeless. :-(

  12. If it ever gets done properly, this will be the most beautiful pool in Florida. Your pool saga is like my home buying saga-- a sordid tale filled with incompetent characters. Have patience, dear friend. Soon you will be swimming in your lovely pool while the rest of us are freezing. Thank you so very much for your comment on mys son's birthday. A dear friend said something similar just after he died, and I have carried that sentiment in my heart. Your comment brought tears to my eyes, but they were tears of healing. I am so grateful for your friendship. Enjoy your time in St. Petersburg.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania