
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Table top tree

My house is small....small enough that the Christmas tree takes up too much valuable space that is much needed over the holidays. Either a chair must be moved out of the living room, or the tree has to go down stairs into the basement. Which means that my Sweet Mama can't see the tree because she's in a wheelchair. A couple of years ago we decided to take her downstairs to see the tree and open gifts downstairs. Even with 4 men to assist her decent, it didn't go smoothly and although the disaster of tipping her out of it was averted, she was sufficiently traumatized to NEVER agree to that again.

This year is Foster Boy's first Christmas with us. He's a snoop. He rummages through the presents and likes to eat odd things. The other night while cozy in bed, I heard him take something off the table. I got up to find him on the living room floor about to tuck into a box of wooden matches. 

Go given that Sweet Mama likes to see the tree, and Frenchie will eat everything underneath it, I opted for a petite tree this year, just big enough to fit into a metal pail on top of the old pine cabinet in the living room. Presents are neatly tucked out of the way of the snoopy lab and mum can enjoy when she visits. Poor Mama, her nursing home has an outbreak so they're all in quarantine lock down. Hoping she is sprung soon so she can do some shopping and visiting.

Because the Raz Man was in hospital for a few days last week, I set up the tree so it would greet him upon his return. After I put the fairy lights on I decided to give it a little trim, carelessly slicing through the electrical wires with my snippers, creating a large snap, crackle, pop, a blown fuse and a messed up pair of snippers. I foolishly left the snippers around and of course the eagle eye of The Raz Man saw the large melted indent in the blades and suspected that I'd done something careless in his absence. 


  1. Ooops! Well, at least you survived the mishap! The small tree is a great idea. Not only are you a wonderful decorator but your photography skills amaze me.

  2. Gorgeous tree. We have a table tree, too.

  3. Are you channeling me? That is something I would do lol. I think your petitie tree is lovely and I spied that cute garland also <3

  4. Perfect solution! Wishing good health to Sweet Mama and Mr. Raz!

  5. Lovely as all your ideas/decor Chania. How careless to have left the evidence out :)

  6. Hi Chania, It's perfect! - always hide the evidence... I still get busted! Hope you Mum is aloud out very soon.

  7. I like little trees. Yours looks lovely. So glad you didn't electrocute yourself with those snippers.

  8. Imagine!! MEN!
    Love your tree and a great size too Chania. Ours is even smaller and on a table top.....perfect. Your mother will enjoy it much better here I am sure.

  9. You can't get away with anything, can you?!?! Hope he's okay from the hospital visit, eyes seem okay anyway! I am doing exactly the same thing with a small tree this year, although yours looks much nicer and it's real! Your mum will enjoy it now without the "excitement" of a descent - I can relate to that scene with my own mother (in the past). I hope you can spring her out soon so she can enjoy your tree and fun shopping. I think Frenchie was telling you he needs fiber perhaps, or that he's one hot dude. Honestly, labs. I had one eat a plastic plate when I gave him some leftovers on it and turned my back. Stop playing with the electricity! Ann

  10. You make everything easy and delightful. Even when there may be a bit of household craziness going on, like . . . hubby in the hospital, granny falling down the stairs, doggie eating the wrong things . . . Just a bit of craziness . . . And you bring ease and colorful joy . . .

  11. Your table top tree is lovely......I love your Christmas spirit and that you always are thinking of others......hope the Raz man is good....would love to see Frenchie...he's so adorable!

  12. LOL, " You can't get away with anything" ... I agree !
    I am just glad you didn't get knocked on your bottom by the electric shock !
    Tate was very curious about Christmas trees but never did do more than sniff whatever went under the tree, an earlier dog, years ago, peed on the tree .. he was not such a great dog.
    I hope your Mum gets out soon and stays well ! Happy Holidays, from a very hot sunny BA


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