
Friday, January 18, 2013

How Cute are these?

Remember a few posts ago I commented on how ugly my Uggs were? With great big feet, Uggs look like man boots on me, so I only wear them to shovel the walkway or night walk Frenchie.
But, these are the cutest little things aren't they?
I bought these for the future Grand Babie.

I have a thing for baby boots and shoes. 
Both my children were born with bilateral club feet. We didn't get to have cozy knitted booties, slippers and Baby Uggs. We got to have plaster casts and B-Bax boots and Ortho shoes that were reversed left and right. (and yes, kind strangers always stopped to tell me I had the shoes on the wrong feet).
So in a couple of months, I get to help dress little newborn feet, and I can't wait to try these little Uggies on him or her.

The ultrasound on Tuesday showed some very nice STRAIGHT little feet.

Today I compiled all my business records for the accountant, tossed out 5 years worth of old makeup and bathroom bits, tossed 25 more items into a garage sale box, did the weekend grocery shopping, packed my bag for my trip next week and cleaned the house.. We're out with friends tonight for supper, meeting our friends new grand baby tomorrow, and all my siblings are here for supper along Sweet Mama and Girl Child on Sunday.
I'm in the mode.

Have a Cozy weekend!


  1. They are adorable and when we get back to the US, I am buying a pair too :)
    Have fun with Mama and Girl Child.

  2. Love the baby Uggs . . . what fun you'll have with your soon to be, "grand little one.". Happy days ahead!

  3. Love anything BABY! Good job on the decluttering, Chania, I am afraid I need one of those dumpsters to get mine all accomplished.

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend! Enjoy! The boots are cute.

  5. My nephew had similar feet as your kids....I remember those casts he had to wear as a young child.
    Now, those booties/uggies are adorable! Enjoy your family packed weekend.

  6. I love those little boots and can just picture your Grande Babie wearing them.

  7. I love baby UGGs. I do think there should be a law against anyone over the age of 10 wearing UGGs. They are not flattering on anyone over ten, ever. Ever.
    Enjoy the baby and all of the fun things you get to buy for him as the Nana!


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania