
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

News of No News


Yes, we have no baby yet. Every time the phone rings, I leap from wherever I am and whatever I am doing to grab it. After could be THE CALL. I've decided to give the new parents a day or two before I make my arrival. Given that we live near Toronto and they in Montreal, it means they would have a new baby and a house guest. I think it is nice to take your baby home, just the two of you and have a couple of days alone. After all, it is life changing. Two days, maybe three max, and I'm there with all my Nannie advice...

The parents to be have just moved house, so there will be lots to see and lots to talk about. I do know the nursery is pale grey and with white furnishings. I did buy bubbie this bassinet because I do think it is nice to have a newborn beside you at night. I got the ruffle too, because baby stuff cant' be too cute.

While I wait for the phone to ring, I've been busy photographing product for my SHOP. I've tried on every piece with various outfits and I'm truly smitten with it. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on my photos and backgrounds. It was unanimous that the simple white or barn board was the favorite for the back ground. I'm trying hard NOT to purchase my own products, but the Isak Bracelet below caught my fancy. I like the "horse bit" styling and the tan leather.

I shall bring the news when it arrives...............



  1. waiting is hard but waiting for blessed events? oy vey <3

  2. I saw the first photo and was I was sooooo excited . . . and then read thst the wait is still happening!

    Love, love the basket, ruffle and all . . . perfect.

    And the bracelet/bracelets, I can attest . . .
    wear one and the compliments will fly! I love my Sno of Sweden, thanks to you . . .

  3. Such an exciting time for you and your family. What a beautiful bassinet! Perfectly sweet yet not too frilly.

  4. Gosh I remember waiting for that phone to ring!! Love the bassinet!
    hugs, Linda

  5. That bassinet is just so sweet. It will be a welcome addition when you arrive. As will you because an extra pair of experienced hands are always most appreciated. I'm so excited for you Chania! Hope it comes soon. Ann

  6. Can't wait to hear about the big arrival! I get tingly just thinking about how exciting it much be for all of you. Love the bassinet with all it's trimmings. A lucky Grandbaby it will be!

  7. Chania....oh the anticipation and the final days until hard to be patient. The little one will be so precious in the bassinet. How perfect!
    Can't deide on a SNO them all! Try and keep calm!

  8. I can't wait to hear all about the baby. I love the bassinet and the jewellery.

  9. Already a wise grandma. I know holding out will be tough. I'm sure they will appreciate not having an observer to the complete topsey turvey of their lives. Once they get their feet under them you will be a great help. I also love the leather and metal of your new line.

  10. That is one seriously gorgeous basinette!!!!
    Anticipating your news anxiously too!
    Big hugs,

  11. I remember finding out at 3 am. Happy feelings & memories.

  12. I'm waiting to fly back to the US and you are waiting for your little bundle to arrive... by stork :)
    Such wonderful exciting times .. I can't wait to hear about everything .. I also can't wait to get one of those bracelets !

  13. How all exciting for you Chania! Must be nerve wracking indeed! But I see you are staying busy with your 'line'...beautiful.
    All the best.

  14. I thought about you as I inched my way over THE bridge while driving from the Tampa airport to Venice last week!! Can't wait to hear all about the new wee one .....


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania