
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Boss of US

Girl Child with her Henry Francis

I'm in charge....right?

I think I will jump and leap and pester this dog for 2 hours

Frenchie....escaping from Henry Francis

The puppy now has a pool for his "weekend getaways"

My Sweet Mamma....enjoying our wheelchair friendly garden

Weekends to us are all about family. Either travelling to visit them or having them here for Sunday dinner. And our family isn't complete without pets. Our newest family member Henry Francis the puppy was here for the weekend and completely rules the roost and continues to stop traffic with his cuteness. Frenchie wants NOTHING to do with him and so he was lucky when my sister brought her very patient Aussie girl Tabby over to visit. Tabby endured 2 hours of puppy leaping and mischief with grace and patience. Girl Child has gone back to the City and Henry Francis is spending the night with me. I shall return him tomorrow when I go to Toronto to get my hair done. Henry is fortunate enough to go to work with Girl Child. He spends his day in a private area of the salon in his puppy playpen, coming out frequently for breaks and love and kisses.

Having a new puppy around is wonderful. Much like having our new grandchild we wonder what we all talked about before they arrived.


  1. I know! Dogs and kids are the best!


  2. Oh yes! Henry Francis has the 'devil' in hid eyes alright!! What a cutie he is, Chania.
    And just look at that cake/strawberries just waiting to be eaten!!
    Looks like a good time was had by all. Even Aussie Girl.

  3. Henry Francis is so spunky and cute. Love the new look of razmataz . . . and the warmth of your Sunday family days . . . and my heart hurts watching poor Frenchie trying to escape from that little "ball of fire!"

  4. 'Girlchild'? Sounds like Tennessee Williams. "Mendacity!"

    1. . "Hell, you got to live with it, there's nothing else to live with except mendacity, is there?"

    2. "When the pain hits, it's gonna hit hard. Take these pills, Big Daddy."

  5. Your garden looks so inviting.Tell frenchie if it gets to be too much my door is always open!

    Of course there are two crazy kittens behind that door.

    xo Jane

  6. I'm driving to Canada right now to steal Henry Francis!

  7. Henri seems to be quite an imp and incredibly hard to resist. I love the photos of him with your daughter and the one where Frenchie is getting a big hug-- so very sweet. My dad always asked rhetorically, "What would we do without our animals?" Indeed, I cannot imagine. It looks like a lovely weekend was had by all who came to visit, human and canine alike.

  8. Oh se Little French is so Sweet and your pictures are so nice!
    Sorry with my Englisch it is not so good wishes from Germany.
    Maby you wisith my Blog!!!And have a Look we have a French Bulldog & American Bulldogmix.His Name is Fritz.Habe a nice Day an a coming soon.


I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania