
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Evening Commute

The City was dark and eerie with none of the high rises lit up

Last night I drove Girl Child back to Toronto after she had spent the weekend with us in the burbs. We had heard that there had been a good bit of rain a little earlier. We were not deterred by this. We headed out and about 10 minutes into the journey became ensnarled in heavy traffic that was driving me to distraction. "what's the delay" I kept muttering. The guy in front of me in crawling traffic kept veering to the left so he could "SEE" what was up ahead." Can you see this buddy 5 miles ahead?"We had no idea that the equivalent of an entire month of rainfall had fallen on Toronto in one hour. 5 inches. An hour before we left this is what lay ahead. We could not turn back because the exits were closed. We persevered and luckily the highway flooding had cleared as we inched closer. It was an eerie drive through the city and highway as the power was out and all the high rises were in darkness. We wondered how Girl Child would make it to her apartment with the dog since she lives on the 49th floor. She was planing to walk the stairs with Henry Francis if necessary. Luckily a very small strip of buildings had power, including hers.  Several times on the way there, I muttered grumpily that she should have taken the train. Until I got home (in record speed since no one was coming out of the City) and saw this (below) on the news. I pictured little Henry Francis being carried by fire and rescue from the flooded train.



  1. I was wondering about you and yours. Glad you're okay.

  2. I am so glad you are ok.
    I would have been freaking out the entire time, I have this Thing about flooding roads ... those photos give me nightmares !
    I am back :)
    Gardens and birds and birdbaths and pools and men who move things are now my life.
    besos. C

  3. oh gracious! the environment is ticked off and pushing back..fires, heat, floods, swarms of bugs... gracious! glad you all are well and back in homes

  4. That looks awful. So glad that you're all safe

  5. Glad everyone is safe. Looking back it will be a story for your grandchildren. The flood of 2013:)

  6. Terrible, glad to hear you got through it. Canada is not having a good week.

  7. Amazing that this happened in Toronto. Glad to hear that you both made it home safely. We got the same rain here and luckily no power outtages as we followed the coverage on TV. We are still hearing about friends' adventures in the flooded areas. A bit too like the floods in Calgary so recently too.

  8. How terrible. I am so glad girl child and grandpup are ok. how lucky that her building had power...climbing 40 some floors sounds awful......

  9. Heard about the deluge and wondered about you and yours. Happy you are okay and that Girl Child and Henry Francis weren't on that train!

  10. We were in Toronto yesterday and there are still rolling blackouts. A lot of businesses were closed and the funeral viewing we were attending was moved to another location where power was actually on.
    It was interesting to watch how people behave in circumstances like this.

  11. These pictures are incredible...I had no idea you had such a catastrophic rainfall. You seemed to keep your head on straight and I'm happy that your girl and her pup made it home safely.

    I have seen some of your comments on some of the blogs I follow as well and I thought I would come over. You did not disappoint! I think I will like following. :)


  12. Wow. I had heard Toronto had flooding, but I hadn't seen any pics at all. Thank God you were between things and not in the middle of it! We've had several floods here - it is absolutely appalling what water can do.


  13. Glad you made it through safe and sound :)

  14. Holy Flood Waters, Chania! Who knew? Glad your girl had power and how long did it take you to get back home? I am amazed at the depth of the water that some people drove through. Ann

  15. I am still shocked this in Hamilton we had NOTHING...just a forty minute drive and all hell breaks loose...crazy!!! Glad it all worked out for you,Chrissy

  16. Holy smokes!!! That is a lot of rain-- and scary. So glad you guys are all okay.
    xo jj

  17. This is really shocking! I can't believe it.
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I love to read each and every comment and are thrilled that you take the time to send one. Thank you so much. Chania